Preference #46: He Insults You And The Others Defend You

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Ashton: It was the opening of a new club in London. You had bought a new dress, it was in the sale and it looked fantastic! Spending hours on your make-up and hair you were finally ready. Walking downstairs you met all the boys.

"Wow y/n you look amazing!" Michael exclaimed

"She looks like a slut that what she looks like" Ashton muttered under his breath. Immediately you felt the sting of tears in your eyes, running back upstairs you quickly kicked off your dress and jumped into bed to hide yourself under the covers. You could hear muffled shouts coming from down stairs. Slowly you drifted to sleep. Woken up you felt the bed dip on Ashton's side and a whisper in your ear,

"I'm sorry love, I didn't mean it, I love you so much, I know you aren't a slut, I just didn't want you to dress like that as I knew guys would be drooling all over you"

"Even if I did have guys drooling all over me, I only have eyes for you Ash, and if someone tried something I'm a big girl, I can tell them to get off and if that didn't work I've got you and your 3 best friends to help get a guy off me. You could have just said that was how you felt; you didn't have to insult Me."

"I'll make it up to you I promise"


"You will just have to wait and see."

Calum: It was 1 in the morning and Calum was still not home. He was out with the boys celebrating the release of their new single. Soon you heard them coming through the door getting up to greet them you saw that alum was being carried in by the other boys.

"Looks like someone has had a bit too much to drink" you chuckled to others.

"Oh shut up Y/n. Always trying to control me, I do what I want! Talk about controlling girlfriends!" With that the boys dropped him to the floor

"Apologize now!" Luke shouted.

"No!" They looked at you to see your response, you shrugged

"leave him on the couch; he'll regret drinking this much in the morning"

"See! Now she's controlling where I go in my own house!" shaking your head you leave to go to bed yourself. The next morning you were right, he regretted drinking so much but he regretted what he said even more.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I don't believe you are controlling, I don't know why I said it."

"It's fine Calum, but if you say something like that again I may not be here the next morning"

"I know"

Michael: Your finals were coming up and you needed to revise as much as you could before the exam. You did not feel like you had enough confidence in yourself to get the grade you wanted. However you told yourself constantly, 'you leave the exam with more marks then you did when you went in with, even if it's only one more' needing a break you walked into the kitchen to get a snack and a drink to be met by 5 boys sat at the dinner table.

"Oh hey Y/N" Michael said as you walked in,

"Hey" you replied opening the fridge.

"Why don't you join us?" Calum asked

"Why would she do that? She needs to be boring and do nothing but read in her room" Michael, commented, you open your mouth to speak but Luke nods at you and talks instead.

"Michael it may have escaped your notice but Y/n has exams coming up soon, would you rather she failed them? Or would you rather she passed?"

"I would rather she pass" he mumbled shuffling his feet under the table, "Then let her study as much as she feels she needs. I'm sure she will spend as much time as possible with you once exam season is over, won't you Y/n?" you nodded. Michael came over to you to give you a hug and whispered,

"I'll just have to wait to get you back"

Luke: After a long day of work you were finally home. Kicking off your shoes you collapse on the couch swearing to never move again. Luke and Calum walked in

"Y/n, we are I are going to kick a ball around for a while do you want to come?" Calum asked

"I'm sorry but no I've had..."

"Of course you wouldn't, I forgot you were a lazy bitch" Luke interrupted you

"Luke!" Calum exclaimed, "She is clearly tired, you can tell she has had a tough day and you never call your girlfriend a bitch! And if you do call your girlfriend that, you don't deserve a girlfriend! Apologise to y/n!"

"I'm sorry y/n, I understand you have had a busy day I just thought you would want to come. How about you come with and you can cheer me on from the side lines?" he asked with puppy eyes. Not being able to resist you decide to come, however the catch of you coming was Luke had to rub your feet when you got back home afterwards to make up for his harsh words.

Credit: mikeyclifford-the-kitten

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