Preference #12: Song Preference: She Looks So Perfect

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—Cause this deadbeat towns only here just I keep us down/Would you wanna run away too?—

Calum had just came back from tour a week ago and although you’d seem each other since he came back, you two never had any “us” time. This time coming home he seemed different, he moves around a lot and it normally takes him a couple days to adjust to surroundings but this time… It was like he had no clue at all where he was. Finally after a week of waiting Calum just stole your hand and took you out to your truck and drove to a place you didn’t recognise at first but then realised it was were you two had your first date. It was kinda like a cliff that looked over the city and you could see how the lights of the city lit up the earth, it was like you were floating above it. Cal knew how much you loved it because you always wanted to be a singer but couldn’t find the right time to get started.

 Calum climbed out the truck and laid down blankets & pillows in the back part of the truck and then pulled you with him onto it. He pulled you into his arms and kissed him and when he pulled away it was like he’d finally taken a breath after holding it for so long, like you had relaxed a rocket about to blast off and it made you smile like you never had before. “I lie you so fucking much!” He said and pulled you into him harder. “Ouch” you laughed. “Sorry..” He let you go a little. You both laid down and watched the lights. “Cal.. Are you okay babe?” You finally asked slipping your hand into his and he gave you a small squeeze. He turned onto his side to face you, as you did him, and smiled “am now”. You spread a sleepy smile across your face “why weren’t you before?” You asked concerned. He turned back over to look at the lights again but this time kept his head up looking at the stars “I got out.. I got out of this dumbass town where no one ever gets out but me.. The guys, we did it! We’re making a name for ourselves and living our dream everyday but the one thing always missing is you” he said and and sighed. “I leave you here stuck and suffering and I’m not here to even help you” he said and tightened the grip on your hands. “I don’t think I can live if I have to do that again..” He said and you breathed in his words your mouth being unable to move “c-cal I.. I’m fine!” You said finally getting your brain to work. “You shouldn’t be worrying about me baby!” You said moved your head onto his chest. After a minuet of silence he spoke up “we could run away.. There’s hate and pain and just.. Would you run away with me?” He said and you sat up and looked into his eyes unable to tell if he was being serious or not. “Cal..” You said but he sat up and kissed you before you could speak. “Not like that..” He laughed. “Maybe one day.. But not yet” he smiled and put his hand into his pocket. “I told you I don’t think I could live if I left you behind again” he smiled and pulled out a box. You covered your face with your hands as you stood on both knees and he kneeled down on the one. “Will you marry me?” He smiled “your such a dork! You make the perfect date in my favourite spot and just..” You kept babbling on. “Yes! Yes!” You smiled and sat down kissing him pulling him onto you. He slipped the ring on and then asked “would you run away with me?” He smiled and whispered “and 3 other ass butts” he laughed and you nodded.


—I made a mixtape straight out of ‘94/I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart—

"Can you get any cheesier?" You laughed as Ash laid down the blanket on the park grass. "I could get your name tattooed.." He pulled you down on the blanket with him. "Right here.." He said slapping his upper arm and then poking out his tongue to tease you. "Haha very funny" you laughed pushing him over but he came back and wrapped his arms around your upper body "I know right? I’m very hilarious!" He mocked "I could get it in a heart with an arrow as well" he said and kissed your cheek "right, well you let me know how that works out for you… And quite frankly I think it belongs a bit more lower" you winked softly slapping what you could of his ass "kinky" he replied and you laughed. He jumped up "wait.. But it gets even cheesier!" He laughed and ran to the car. He’s so hyper sometimes you couldn’t keep up. He ran back holding a boom box and a tape. "I made a mix tape" he said sitting back down on the blanket. "I know you wanted to have a day alone but don’t you think this is a little much?" You asked seeing how much effort he put into this date. "Nothing is too much for you" he said putting your hand in his and kissing you. "I missed you." He said as you both pulled away "I’ve been here the whole time" you laughed/scoffed. "Yeah but it hasn’t been just you and me, I missed you and me being just you and me" he said making perfect sense to what seemed only you. You nodded smiling and leaned in to kiss him again but stopped your self and looked up into his eyes, "I missed you too, I love you" you said and then finally connected your lips. "I love you too" he mumbled into the kiss


—they say we’re too young now to amount to anything else/I got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor—

*His P.O.V*

 I wake up and look at her. Her arm draped across me with tear stained cheeks. Even when we fight we can’t be apart. I looked on the floor and follow the trail of clothes we peeled off each other, her ripped skinny jeans just laying there lazily. “I’m sorry” I kissed her cheek and without even moving she replied with the same thing. “It’s.. It’s my fault” she stuttered pushing herself more into me. “What? No it’s not I-” I began to protest “it’s been hard at home Luke, I vented everything out on you and I feel like absolute shit because of it.” She cried her years running onto my bare chest. “I hate yelling at you” she continued. “What’s been wrong at home?” I asked “you know how you asked if I could come with you.. Live with you guys over there” she began and I nodded “I.. I’m supposed to be going to an interview to go to university tomorrow..” She said quietly. “the university is over in america..” She said even quieter and I held her tight. I kissed her and tried to stay calm. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked “because of what your doing now.. I can see that your trying to hold back tears.. Anyway so I’ve been fighting with my bloody parents trying to soften the blow to me wanting to come with you to be a songwriter” she continued quickly changing the subject. “But all they said was I’m too young now to amount to anything else, I’m already into this and there’s no point in changing my mind.” She sighed. “Your 18 you can do what you want!” I defended her “you’ve met my parents Luke. It’s hard.” She retaliated. “Yeah well we’re not leaving till you come with us, we’ll gunfire out a way to convince them!” I said confident. I’m not leaving without again!


—Your lipstick stain in a work of art/Cause all I really want is you—

"Ohhhh Mikey what’s this?" A fan asked him and you poked your head up and watched him from inside the tour bus though the window. "Oh god" he laughed wiping it. "(Y/NNNNNN)" a fan called out your name "wanna put the lipstick on his neck next time so we can see it better, Mikey’s blushing now!" The girl laughed and looked down at mike who was looking up you and smiling. "Love you" you mouthed. "Oh my god what a slut!" You then heard someone mutter "who said that?" Michael asked and the fan stepped forward. You dropped your jaw and Michael looked up at you immediately regretting her to come forward. She had great brown hair and green emerald eyes, completely skinny, no curves she was your stereotypical perfect girl and even though you hated that kinda thing you were insecure. You stood back from the window and walked to Mike’s Bunk, cuddled in the blanket and waited for him to come back in.

“(Y/N)” he crept up to you slowly. “You okay babe?” He asked and crawled in next to you cautious. You grabbed his hand and pulled him down with you, once your head hit the pillow you kissed him again. You closed your eyes after your lips parted and whispered softy “cause I know one day we’ll have our last” before turning over so you weren’t facing him. He crawled in beside you and spooned you “i don’t know why you say that, it’ll never be true” he said and pulled you into him and took your hand. “I want to grow old with you I’m being serious (Y/N), I couldn’t love anyone ever like I do you, all I ever really want is you!” He said and gave your hand a tight squeeze “and we’ll be the best oldies out there punk rock and everything, you and me can have these motorbikes while Luke, Cal and Ash ride scooters screaming “What’d you say?”” He said and laughed you chuckled quietly and he felt your body vibrate “got you” he smiled. “I’m going to marry you (Y/N) I would do it right now if I could..” He said and you turned over to revel your tearing eyes. He wiped them with the pad of his thumbs “one day soon you’ll me all mine and I’ll be all yours” he said and kissed your nose making it crinkle “until then you’ll just have to believe your all I want and I really fucking love you!” He said and kissed you.

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