Preference #19: Song Preference: A Daydream Away - All Time Low

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"I wish you could see your face right now, cause you’re grinning like a fool."

Ashton- You’re lovely boyfriend Ashton made it home from tour last night while you were still asleep. You woke up in the morning with an arm wrapped around your waist and the sweet aroma of cologne. You knew that scent from anywhere. You turned your body to face a smiling Ashton staring right back at you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, snuggling closer to his warm body. “I missed you so much.” You said barely above a whisper. “I missed you way more than you could possibly think.” he said which sounded muffled. “But I’m back now, and I’m not going anywhere. You became a bit teary eyed because all of your emotions were hitting you. You were a bit sad from missing him while he’s been gone, excited that he’s finally back, and happy to finally have his arms wrapped back around you. It was a feeling you missed very much. “Aw, babe.” He says. He placed your face into his hands and wiped away the tears with his thumbs. “I’m here now, it’s okay, I’m not leaving your side.” He assures you. “You’re too cute. I’m so lucky to have someone as amazing and beautiful as you to be my girlfriend. I know I’m the one causing the tears because me being gone, but I promise one day you’ll tour the world with me. You’re stuck with me now, I’m not leaving anytime soon.” He says with a giggle. His words made you feel much better. “You should see your face right now, cause you’re grinning like a fool.” He says with a smile. You started to blush and hid your face onto his chest. “No, come back.” he says while laughing. You look back up at him to see his bright smiley face. “There’s my beautiful girl.” He says. “I love you.” “I love you too.”

"I would drink a little too much, you’d offer me a ride."

Calum- You had a get together at your place with a few friends just out of spite. Everyone was having fun for the night and having a few drinks, except you. You weren’t to much of a drinker, but Calum on the other hand had a few too many drinks. He probably has drunk more than anyone there. He’s already broke a few glasses, ripped his shirt, and he is being way too loud. After everyone was slowly leaving, Calum was the last one left. He was obviously too intoxicated to drive home so it looked like you were left to. “Cal, c’mon, I’m taking you home.” You grabbed his waist walking him out. It was much more of a struggle than you thought. All his weight was put onto you and he kept stumbling. You finally made it to your car throwing him into the front seat. On the drive to his place he kept staring at you playing with your hair and giggling. “You’re pretty.” He said. You ignored him and rolled your eyes. You slowly felt a hand being on your thigh. “Cal.” You warned. He ended up laughing. Finally after reaching Calum’s place you helped him out of the car and into his room. Walking through the house he held onto you for help but ended up being a pervert and sliding his hands past your waist. As you put him into the bed you were out of breath. “Okay Calum, I’m leaving, get some rest.” You began to walk towards the door. “NO!” He said loudly, scaring you a little and jumping up from his bed. “Stay with me.” He said quieter. “You’re drunk.” You said. He came closer giving you a hug. “Please? We can cuddle.” He said with a smirk. You didn’t even agree, but he still dragged you to his bed. He laid down pulling you on top of him. Your faces inches away. “Well hello there.” He smirked, you could smell the liquor on his breath. You attempted to get up again until he wrapped his arms around your waist dragging you back to him. “Please. Just stay the night.” He already had you cradled into his arms so you just gave in. “Fine.” He held you close all night. You thought about slipping away and going back home, but he had a tight grip. You began to wiggle your way out but he held on. “Please, don’t leave.” He whispered into your ear. You turned around to face him seeing his eyes wide open. You thought he’s been asleep this whole time but obviously not. “I’m not drunk.” He said. You laughed at his little lie. “Seriously (y/n), I’ve sobered up.” He said with a smile. “Well, your better now. Why can’t I leave?” You ask. “Because I want you here with me all to myself so no other guy can have you.” He admitted. You cuddled into his chest. “I’m not going anywhere.”

"And I would offer you a t-shirt and you would stay another night."

Luke- Last night you went over to your best friend Luke’s place just to hang out for a bit, but you ended up falling asleep. You woke up to see his giggling face beside you. “Good morning, you sleep well?” He asked. You could tell that he was being sarcastic since you were the one that fell asleep on his bed. You rolled your eyes. You and Luke both stayed in and watched movies on the couch, ordered pizza, and cracked jokes to one another. You looked down to you phone to realize that time has slipped away quickly seeing that it’s midnight. “Oh gosh. Luke I should get home.” You said jumping from your spot. “No.” He said wide eyed. “It’s late, I really should get going.” You say again reaching for your bag. “No, please.” You looked at him weird. “Just stay one more night.” He looked at you like he was desperate, so you gave in. “Alright, but I have nothing to wear.” You said pointing to your jeans and tee. “C’mon.” He grabbed your hand and led you to his room. He gave you a pair of sweats and a band tee. “Thank you.” You ran off to change. Later that night you both laid in his bed, you were on one end and he was on the other. You both looked at each other for quit sometime until he spoke. “I’m happy that you stayed with me.” “Why’s that?” You asked. “Well, because I kind of like when you fall asleep and lean against my chest, it makes me feel like I can protect you from anyone and anything.” He admits. You ended up blushing a bit. “I like how were both comfortable with each other.” He scooted over closer. “I can talk about anything and be myself around you.” You scooted over closer this time. “I like the fact that you are always so nice to everyone you meet.” He was inches away. He continued. “I like when you hold my hand when I’m uncomfortable. Or when you trace patterns on the back of them for no reason.” You stared right at him. “You want to know something else?” He asked. “Hmm?” “I like when you get really concentrated on something. Something you love or really like and your eyes get glossy just like they are now.” He leaned down and kissed you. It was a feeling you’ve felt like you’ve been waiting for your whole life.

"You’re just a daydream away."

Michael- Since Michael was on tour you haven’t been able to see him in a while. He would try to call at least two times a day and sometimes a skype call, but most the time he wasn’t able because he was too busy. Another big problem was the time differences you both had. He was all the way across the world. While you were up for the day he was off to sleep. You would answer a call any time of the day for him, you never cared. You lied down in bed drifting in and out of sleep until you heard your phone buzzing from beside you. You looked to see it was Michael wanting to Face Time. Turning on the lamp to have some light you answered the call. You seen his beautiful face on the other end that just melted your heart. “Hey babe. I was trying to get you before you went to sleep.” He says. “It’s fine.” You tell him. He asked you about your day and went on about some things that had happened recently. The whole time he was talking, his voice was so soothing that you were slowly drifting off to sleep. You heard him giggle on the other end. “I think it’s time for you to get to bed.” He says. “No.” You protest opening your eyes a bit more. “I’m staying up to talk to you. I haven’t seen you in forever, and this whole phone calls and face timing stuff is getting harder. I just want to be with you.” You admitted, your heart hurting a little after you said those things. “I know babe. Just two more weeks and I’ll be all yours. Okay? Now just get some rest and I’ll call you in the morning.” He assures me. You nod your head. “I love you, now go to sleep, I’m just a daydream away.” He smiles and ends the call.

Credit to: acoustic-ashton

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