Preference #49: Supernatural {Part 3}

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Ashton: Ghost

Somehow Ashton had gotten your mobile phone number. How he managed that you weren't sure as you hadn't told anyone what it was! This just added to the suspicion that he was a stalker...But you still agreed to meet him. You would probably be found dead in a ditch somewhere but you still agreed. You arrived at school early and he was there leaning against the door.

"Hello Ashton," he jumped out of shock,

"Y/N, you scared me!" he smiled. This was the first time he smiled. Normally he looked like a guppy. He had a pretty cute smile. You couldn't help but smile back at him.

"So..." you said, "What do you want to tell me? And why does the school think you aren't a student here?"

"I can tell you but you aren't going to believe it..."

"Try me," you said crossing your arms. He took a deep breath and told his story,

"Many years ago there was no school here."

"But this school has been built for like 90 years!" you interrupted. You just earned a glare and he carried on.

"There was no school and everyone was excited to see one built. You see the nearest school back then was a few miles away and not everyone had access to travel that far nor the money. So the school was built here."

"But I don't understand, what has this got to do with anything,"

"One more interruption and I won't tell you," he glared again. You looked at the ground and he placed his hand on your shoulder giving you an apologetic smile.

"My friend and I wanted to see what was going on at the building site. I can't even remember why. While we were there I mentioned the girl he liked and I said that she liked him back – of course he didn't believe me. I began to tease him and that is how it happened. We began to play fight and he pushed me. He pushed me into setting concrete and he couldn't get me out. Even if he had managed somehow I was a gonner. Y/N, I died that night. I'm a ghost" He looked into your eyes to see if he could get a response but you just stared at him. It did make sense. The teachers not knowing who he was. People giving you strange looks when you spoke to him. Him being so shocked you could see him!

"I believe you..." you found yourself saying. "But there is one thing I don't understand... How can I see you and others can't?"

"I don't know Y/N, I don't know."

Michael: Vampire

You were excited to see Michael when you went to school. He was going to answer any questions you had! You were excited to know of what else there were in the world! Ghosts, dragons... wolves! You wanted to know what was real and what wasn't. You knew Michael was a Vampire but it would be strange if vampires existed and the others didn't! Running to his locker you got a few strange looks and some concerned looks. They were still convinced you were going to die. Michael would never harm you... would he?

"Y/N," his bored voice said your name from the end of the corridor. Running up you said,

"Hey Michael. How are you today?"

"Same as always. I, er, how are you?"

"I am good thank you." You smiled. "Are Unicorns real?!" you blurted out. You covered your mouth with your hands in shock. Michael smiled. He actually smiled. Not a creepy smile. An actual smile!

"No," your face fell,

"Oh, Dragons?"

"Not any more. Anyway! I thought you may want to know about me. Not dragons!"

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