Preference #52: Supernatural {Part 6}

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Ashton ghost

"You can touch me?" You said shocked. Just yesterday he couldn't. What had changed since then? Unless... "I've heard in films and stuff that Ghosts can touch things in extreme emotional situations! You looked quite angry...."

"Quite angry," Ashton laughed. "Did you not see the lights flickering and the locker doors? I think I was more than quite angry,"

"I didn't want to over exaggerate!" you shrugged. Silence filled the air. You were both processing the information wondering what this meant. Sighing you began to observe your surroundings. There were locker doors wide open and dented. You looked back at Ashton and saw he had a weird look on his face.

"What?" you asked blushing under his intense stare. He didn't answer but did something which shocked you. He lent forward and kissed you. Actually kissed you. He didn't fall through you like he normally would do – you should have known he would try to do this now that he knew he could touch you. He kissed you slowly before wrapping his hand around the back of your neck bringing you closer to him. As you pulled apart he began to giggle.

"What?" you said joining in with his laughter.

"That was my first kiss!"


"Well I'm dead! I didn't really have time to go around kissing people!" you nodded understanding his statement.

"Y/N... now we know I can touch people and things there is something I want to do." Yours eyes widened at what you thought he was planning. "Nothing bad!" he quickly added. "I want to visit my friend who was there that night. He is almost 100 years old and he has spent his whole life he was the reason I died. Well he was. But I just want to let him know that I forgive him."

"Of course we can go visit him! Where does he live?"

"Just a few blocks from here. We can be there in half an hour."

Michael Vampire

"Michael! Slow down!" you shouted. He was dragging you quickly down the street.

"We can't Y/N, we need somewhere to hide! The vampires will be after us."

"Well them and the police! The students saw us!"

"No. Vampire masters are quite good at changing the memories of humans. They won't want the police getting involved with my... execution."


"I killed a leader! I'm in love with a human of the light! I'm in a lot of trouble..." he began mumbling to himself.

"We could hide at my house?" you suggested.

"No. Have you seen the film underworld? The thing about vampires getting memories from others through blood is true. They will see you next to me. God! I can't believe this!" he shouted in frustration. "I can't believe I dragged you into this Y/N, I am sorry."

"It's ok Michael." You stopped in your tracks. He turned to look at you with a questioning look. You grabbed him by the neck and kissed him with as much passion as you could when being chased by vampires trying to kill you. Pulling apart he was slightly confused about why you were randomly kissing him.

"I have an idea." You stated.


"Why don't we pay a visit to the witch who started all this?"

Luke Veela

Waking up you were groggy. You were very disorientated. The second you made a noise signalling you were awake, Luke was by your side.

"Y/N! Oh thank god! I was so worried! I can't believe what happened to you!" he began rubbing his head against the side of yours showing you affection.

"What did happen?" you asked.

"The mating process it went wrong."

"How? You said it wouldn't go wrong." A frown came on his face.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't know this would happen to us. Each family has a veela stone which is used during the mating process. There is only one child for each Veela which stops any inheritance issues. But if a stone is used by another Veela the stone becomes cursed. The curse does nothing direct to the Veela but causes a lot of harm to the mate – which in turn causes harm to the Veela. This occurs during the mating process when the bond between us is the strongest it will ever be." You sat there stunned. Why would anyone do this? Sensing your question he continued.

"There is a group of people who do this. There are people who are false mates. Veelas who think people are their mates are person A but they are actually person B."

"That can actually happen? Am I a false mate?"

"No!" he quickly replied. "You are the real deal. And we will find out who did this to you."

Calum werewolf

Calum reported the intruder to his father immediately through the mind link. He also informed his father of the wolfs blatant disregard for the laws. Even thinking that he had found a loop hole of hurting an imprint through being a human. Calum was furious that you were in danger and he could have arrived seconds later and you would have been injured, or worse, killed. He decided that he wouldn't leave your side (unless you specifically asked him to) and you didn't mind this. As you had experienced. The further away Calum was you felt a pain and the need to be with him so with him staying by your side you wouldn't feel this pain. About a week after the incident Calum was called to the Alphas tent.

"I'm so nervous Y/N," Calum admitted.


"I have never been in the Alpha's tent before."

"but you are his son? How have you never been in there?"

"Son or not you have to be invited into the Alphas tent. If you go in uninvited you might as well be challenging him for the position!" you nodded. You walked hand in hand to the tent.

"Am I allowed in?" you asked, Calum was invited in. Not you. Calum hadn't thought about that,

"You can stay with me," Calum's mum said leaving the tent. Calum thanked her before walking into the tent. "You will find out why he has been summoned anyway." She laughed. A few minutes passed and Calum came running out grabbing you and spinning you around.

"He made me Beta!!! I'm going to be an Alpha one day!"

Credit: mikeyclifford-the-kitten

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