Preference #53: Supernatural {Part 7}

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Ashton ghost:

It took half an hour like Ashton suggested to reach the old people's home where his friend lived. You asked which room was his and when they questioned who you were you just simply replied that you were his granddaughter. You walked into his room and saw he was looking out the window not paying attention.

"Sam?" you said getting his attention. He turned to look at you and was confused.

"Who are you?" he questioned. His memory maybe going but he knew he didn't know you. Walking closer to where he sat you kneeled in front of him and took his hand in yours,

"This is going to be difficult to understand. But I am a friend of Ashton's"

"Ashton... I only knew one Ashton in my life and there is no way you could know him."

"Ashton Irwin. He was your best friend. I know him."

"Stop it this isn't funny. It isn't nice to prank an old man. Youth these days."

"This isn't a prank Sam. He is here in this room and he had come to tell you something." And on queue Ashton picked up a note pad and wrote the simple words on it 'I forgive you' Sam gasped and watched the note pad floating in the air. Ashton placed the note pad down and wrapped his arms around his old friend. Sam smiled as he could feel Ashton's presence.

"Am I dreaming?" Sam asked and you shook your head. Staying for a little while longer Sam told you some stories about Ashton when he was in school. You also told Sam a few things about what 'Modern' Ashton was like and how he had actually managed to make friends with other supernatural beings. You also told him about the stalking which made Sam laugh.

"He always had his way with the ladies." After a while you had to say your goodbyes and leave. You had to walk past the school. Also you would feel guilty about leaving Ashton to walk back there himself. You were thinking about Sam and how at peace he looked after talking to you. Thinking about it so much you weren't paying attention. You didn't see the car speeding your way until too late.

"Y/N!" Ashton shouted running to your side. "Somebody help me!" he was shouting over and over in hopes someone would eventually hear him. Of course no one did. It was ten minutes until someone found your passed out damaged body on the side of the road. You were rushed to the hospital.

Michael vampire:

It wasn't easy tracking down a witch that you didn't even know the name of but it could have been a lot worse. Even though Michael had been kicked out of his vampire family he still had a tight connection with other supernatural creatures who could help point him in the right direction. While searching he even introduced you to a werewolf named Calum. You were excited to learn werewolves existed. And ghosts but sadly you couldnt meet his ghost friend – apparently he was busy. Eventually you found her. She was in an old log cabin in the woods. You knocked on the door but there was no answer.

"Maybe she isn't in." you suggested secretly hoping she wasn't in. This house was most certainly creepy.

"It was your idea to come here Y/N," Michael suggested. There was still no answer but Michael went in the house anyway. If witches were anything like you imagined then you should not be going into the house of one uninvited!

"I was wondering when I would see you again Michael." A creaky voice asked from the corner of the room.

"I wanted to know something. Will I die at the hands of my vampire family?"

"I can't tell you that. I am only allowed to tell the future of the living not the dead. If I told you how you died you would be then dead." Slightly confused by the logic you didn't argue.

"Well can I ask you something else?" Michael asked

"I think I already know what you are going to ask. But ask away."

"Is there a way for me to become human?"

"Yes." She answered.

"Well, what is it?"

"It's not just your choice to make." She said turning to you,

"What have I got to do with it?" you questioned confused.

"The only way for a vampire to become human is for a human of the light to give up their blessing and last time I checked. You are the only human of the light that Michael knows."

Luke Veela:

The veela council took the stone and tried to do some tests to see who was the last to use it before yourself and Luke. Obviously nothing went wrong when Luke's mother had done it but it had now so someone must have somehow used it in the meantime.

"Luke, since it went wrong does this mean you aren't marked?" you asked.

"No. you managed to bite me before everything went wrong. Apparently not many manage it while being cursed so well done Y/N," he praised sending a flush over your cheeks.

"Can I see it?" he nodded. He pulled his shirts neck to the side so you could see the mark you made. Looking down at your own you smiled at the fact they matched. Looking back at Luke's you reached your hand out and touched his mark. This caused him to moan slightly,

"I am so sorry!" you said quickly retreating your hand. "I did not know."

"It's fine Y/N," he chuckled. His mother came into the room explaining they had found out who had done it. Occasionally when male veelas mates give birth they die in child birth. This causes the Veela to reject the thing that killed their mate. These Veelas become rouge and when they find their own mate they try to find stones they can use to do the mating process. Veelas are easily found by other veelas so when Luke's family was out one day he probably snuck in to do it as he didn't have his own stone.

"So what will happen to him?"

"He will be punished for his crimes and we shall be given a new family stone for any future generations." Luke's mum replied. Once again your cheeks flushed. You knew you would spend the rest of your life with him but you hadn't really thought it through. One day Luke and yourself would have a child.

Calum werewolf:

Life as a Beta imprint was great. Before you were just the imprint of the alphas son. Not really impressive to anyone. But now you were officially the future Luna of the pack. People bowed their heads to you when you walked past. Of course the younger wolves known as pups did not. But you didn't mind. You wouldn't mind if the older ones didn't either. But there was something about this level of respect which made you feel happy.

"Hey Y/N, come here," Calum called you over. Walking over you saw a very pale boy stood next to Calum. "This is Michael," Calum introduced. Michael nodded in your direction.

"I'm just passing through Calum. I need to find a witch. I thought I would come see you as we were passing though anyway,"

"We?" Calum asked. Michael turned and you saw a girl stood behind him. "Is that her?" Michael nodded.

"I would explain but we need to be on our way. I've tried to contact Ashton and Luke but they are having girl problems."

"How is Ashton having girl problems? He is a ghost... actually never mind. Being a ghost explains all girl problems."

Michael departed taking the girl with I'm promising that he would explain everything next time they met. You and Calum started to walk back to the camp before stopping dead in his tracks. He was being communicated though the mind link.

"Calum what's wrong?" he was never communicated though the mind link while he was in human form unless completely necessary. "Calum?" he shook his head coming back to reality. He wrapped his arms around you tight pulling you as close as possible.

"It's my dad Y/N, he's sick. He might not make it."

Credit: mikeyclifford-the-kitten

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