18. Nibelheim Surprise

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(Hello everyone!
I'm back!
Final Fantasy 7 and Assassins Creed are not mine.
The picture above is a screenshot.
-mind link-

Cloud opened the door of the truck they had rented to return to Nibelheim and helped his mother. Ace, Tifa, Desmond and Vincent had chosen to sit on the back of the truck. Tifa and Ace got down from the back and started to stretch their spine to relieve the bumps they suffered.

Tifa, "I wonder how Dad is doing."

Ace, "We can find out in a while."

Desmond, "Thank you for the ride Sam."

Claudia, "Here's the pay."

Sam, "Happy to do business with you fine folks. If you all need rides in the future, you know who to call."

Vincent, "Thank you!"

Sam helped them unload their luggage before restarting his truck and leaving. They had a fun time at the resort and Tifa gushed about the items they had brought, especially her new battle gloves. They were just beginner level battle items but she loved it as it was brought from her own money. Cloud had also gotten lucky on the last day and gotten himself a fire materia from one of the lucky gift boxes. Veld had crashed in on their dinner at one point before dragging Vincent off to question him.

Desmond had blinked after them before getting up and following them to find out what was going on. Desmond had been introduced to the Turks that day who, if he were being honest could be considered the Assassin equivalent of Gaia. He didn't say it out loud but observed them as they talked from where he was standing next to a flamboyant red head who went by Reno.


Desmond mused, "Wonder what they are talking about."

Reno, "Who knows yo... So you know him right, yo? Cerebus?"

Desmond, "It was a lucky accident and not one that I regret."

Reno leaned in, "So is it true, yo? Shinra fucked up in your village?"

Desmond sighed pushing the hyper red headed teen back a bit, "Unfortunately, yes. We have been asking for explanation but they keep refusing. A lot of kids lost their parents."

Reno's eyes flickered a bit, "What about you?"

Desmond side eyed him, "My Uncle."

Reno, "Your parents? Ah.. You don't have ta answer, yo. Just killing time."

Desmond shook his head, "I or rather we lost our parents a long time ago. Dad was involved with Shinra and mom passed of heartbroken."

Reno, "Sorry yo. But I guess, you suspect Shinra."

Desmond nodded, "They have their fingers in way too many pies. A lot of people are not happy with them."

Reno, "You know what, yo I'm not drunk enough for this."

Desmond looked at the red head amused, "No we are not."

Reno turned to go to a bar spouting about good drinks needed for a good talk. In the inside however Reno felt like he was being indulged on, like the time Tseng indulged him in one of their first missions. It was a simple mission to exterminate a few sewer monsters. After the mission Tseng had indulged his request for a warm dinner with beer. It had felt like having an older doting sibling, not that he would admit it.

Veld watched them go, "He is not a civilian."

Vincent, "No he is not."

Veld, "He is not Wutain, although he carries knives like one."

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