3. The Town Inn

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I am back with another chapter.
Games are really addictive and can kick start my imagination a lot.
Final Fantasy 7 and Assassins Creed does not belong to me.

The small quaint yet homey looking town, they entered was decently populated, as far as Desmond could tell on first look. He could count around fifty or so rooftops off one glance around the place and with the Eagle vision around two hundred people, give or take. Ace informed him the town was called Nibelheim, making Desmond raise an eyebrow at the old world sounding name, but he did not comment on it. It sounded like the town was influenced by Nordic culture. The two of them were greeted by the inn keeper who seemed a tad bit grumpy to Ace, but they got a room for the night and dinner that consisted of rabbit stew and bread with a jug of water. Desmond paid the man extra for the trouble which kept the man from grumbling too much.

Ace hummed around his bread, "You know, it is a little peculiar to be able to taste things now. I never had the need to eat or drink before. I always used to be curious but did not want to show myself."

Desmond hummed in agreement, "Enjoy the dinner then. I agree it is a little weird to see you eat. First time for everything, I guess."

 His ancestors were good at campfire food and sometimes in a way, during the synchronization, he sometimes could even smell the spicy dishes and delicacies of old Masyaf. The smell of baking of the bakeries in the early mornings at Florentine village and the tangy smell of campfire roasts in wild America. Sadly, he did not have the time to enjoy them. They were in a time crunch and had to hurry along.

Desmond placed his empty utensils by the bedside table for the cleaner to pick up later, "So, tomorrow we ask around about my Uncle and his family. Also, you need to explain what you said earlier about messing around in this world."

Ace looked up from his empty tray and kept it aside, "It'll take a bit to explain everything, and I can tell you are exhausted. I never thought I would feel sleepy of all things either."

Desmond shrugged, "Explain what you can now. Save the rest for later, I guess. We got time right?"

Ace nodded, "Very well then. Sit back and relax. This will be like telling a fairy tale. It all started when I was first stolen from my creators. I was barely awake back then. I don't think my creators meant to make me sentient, to be completely honest with you. For me to become sentient and gain the ability to think, is what I guess humans would call a lucky chance or lucky development or lucky accident. By sheer dumb luck, I gained the ability to think and reason for myself and by chance at the same time the first man and woman to go against my creators stole me from them."

Desmond snorted, "Instead of a chance accident, you are a lucky accidental development. You just woke up and right after that, you escaped from being turned into an inanimate object once again. I may not have known the creators for long but I doubt they would have wanted one of their creations becoming sentient and questioning them and their morals."

Ace beamed, "Thank you, Desmond."

Desmond, "Don't thank me. It would have been really bad if you had remained as an inanimate item. I would be dead right now, with a capital D."

Ace snorted, "I heard Ezio once say 'Luck is just as important in life as skills.', and who cares what the crazies think."

Desmond lifted his glass of water, "Hear! Hear!"

Ace leaned back against the bed and stretched himself, "Anyway, I spent most of my beginning years being carried from one place to another. I remember the first solar flare but barely. Most of my time was spent going through the haphazard amount of knowledge that they thought would be a great 'idea' to dump inside me. So I spent my sweet time going through them putting them in order or at least tried to do so. But it was all for naught."

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