4. Meeting the Family

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(Hello everyone!
I got struck with another inspiration....
Guess I'll be writing a full book after all.
Final Fantasy 7 and Assassins Creed are not mine
The picture is not mine either

Desmond woke up to bleak sunlight coming through the clouds and a sharp knocking on the door. Ace, he noticed was still fast asleep on his bed, on his right side. He rubbed his eyes when there was another knock and finally he got up grunting and opened the door. The Inn's helper boy was the one knocking. The young lad had reddish brown hair and green eyes with dimples on his cheeks. Despite his brain being sleep ladled Desmond was able to keep himself from pinching those cheeks.

Desmond yawned, "Yeah? What is it kiddo?"

The helper, "The name's Luke. M the cleaner around here. Not a kid. The boss wanted me to check in on ya. You and your brother are kinda late for breakfast."

Desmond nodded at that and smiled charmingly, "Ah, I guess we are, aren't we? Thank you Luke, for waking us up Luke. We would have slept in otherwise. We had a tiring day yesterday."

Luke nodded flushing at the gratitude, "No problem Mistah. Ah saved ya some milk and bread though. Figured ya might like it. here ya go."

Desmond smiled in thanks, "Don't call me Mister. Makes me feel old, call me Desmond."

Desmond closed the door after giving a tip of twenty Gil, to the boy for saving them some breakfast, making him beam at him for the extra cash. Luke told him to call on him if he needed anything else. Desmond looked at Ace who was still fast asleep and decided to clean up in the bathroom first. Thank sanity, his new self in this world always carried some toothbrush, mouth paste, soap and face wash. He finished up his morning rituals and exited the bathroom to see Ace who was awake and rubbing his eyes.

Ace saw him and smiled, "Good morning, Desmond."

Desmond smiled back while drying himself with the towel, "Morning Ace, go wash up. The bathroom is free. Mind you the water here is cold though. It does wake you up however."

Ace laughed then pointed at his toothbrush, "Um.. You got some extras with you?"

Desmond took out another pack and handed it to him, "Here, this one is yours. After you are done we can have breakfast and go searching for our family members."

Ace nodded and went to the bathroom to wash up. After he had finished they had their breakfast together, which was still a pretty surreal experience for Desmond, which is, watching the previous artifact eat. Although he had already seen him eat last night, he figured he would have to get used to it now. Once they had finished their meal, they went downstairs, they only had two bags so they didn't bother leaving them behind. 

Luke beamed at them, "I will have yer rooms cleaned by the time ya return."

Ace, "We appreciate it. Can you point us to the market area?"

Luke, "Sure, just go left from here, past the village square. That is where our market is."

Desmond, "Thanks Luke."

Luke, "No problem." 

Desmond followed the directions, "I think that is it."

Ace looked around the bustling marketplace, "So.... What now? We go around asking or do you want me to sense them out?"

Desmond, "Look around the town and ask. But you can try and can sense them, if you want. We can ask for our Uncle's whereabouts. A Storm Miles wasn't it?"

Ace smiled at that, "Yeah we could. Let's go find our family."

The two of them looked around the shops while asking around for his 'Uncle's' whereabouts in the village. When the shopkeepers heard the name they were surprised and shocked but then looked at the two carefully. One of the shop owners, a baker looked at the boy and the young man infront of her and noticed the  very similar eye shape the young man had to the person they were searching for.

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