39. Temple of the Ancients

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(Final Fantasy Seven and Assassins Creed don't belong to me. 
-mental link-

Cloud looked around the area they had entered, there were luminous trees glowing bright with magic. Caleb and Rain looked around as well, the place bringing many types of memories and emotions for both of them. Rain had Pyra, the Fire Wolf cub beside him sniffing around the place in curiosity. Solaris had flown off after dropping them all near the forest and now they were following Ace who seemed to be guided in a certain direction.

Zack gave a whistle, "This place is very beautiful."

Cloud nodded, "Yeah. I can't believe Desmond and Vincent found this place. I knew, they had been looking for a place to use as a venue."

Rain, "Uncle, what's the temple like here? Back then, it was just a ruin."

Ace kept moving, "The temple is being slowly restored to it's original state. Reeve created a carbon reader that can read an object's history through carbon dating. It also helps he had a blueprint on the temple thanks to Vincent."

Caleb was curious, "So, we'll see the complete temple and not the ruins?"

Ace, "Oh no! The ruins are still there, historical value and all. But the main temple is being restructured into it's original shape."

Zack moved forward, "Is that it?"

Ace grinned, "That's the entrance, yes."

Rain marvelled at the fully fixed up entrance gate decked out in white lilies and red roses. No doubt, Aerith's handiwork and entered the area feeling like he just came home. He turned to Ace with wide eyes noticing Caleb and his Ma do the same. Ace smiled at them and motioned for them to follow him to the main temple grounds. There Aerith was helping Angeal put up the flower decor while Sephiroth was helping Tifa in making the drinks.

Rain eyed the silver haired man, 'Seeing a sane adult Sephiroth is so surreal. Especially those round human eyes, instead of the cat like eyes.'

Genesis, "You made it, Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo, your friends are here."

Kadaj, "Rain! Caleb!"

Loz, "Come play with us."

Yazoo, "There's a play area over there just for us."

Zack nudged the twins, "Go on."

Cloud smiled, "Go ahead. Your Pa will call you when the ceremony starts."

The twins nodded and went to join the three ex remnants, at the play area. There they met Julian and his lovely wife Navra along with their three year old son, Muriel and one year old daughter, Allison. Rain didn't remember much about Julian except his family had left Nibelheim after he turned ten. He was the first kid to leave the village and cut contact with them, or maybe he didn't cut contact and Rain just didn't remember him at all. That was possible too when you consider the amount of memories that went missing from his head.

Caleb poked him mentally, -Stop it, you cannot change the past, but you can change the future. You keep telling me that.-

Rain, -Yeah, I did, didn't I?-

Kadaj, "Hey, come on Muriel, join us."

Loz, "We are playing hide and seek."

Muriel flushed under the attention, "That sounds fun. Okay."

Julian, "Don't go too far kids."

Yazoo, "We won't Uncle Julian."

Caleb and Rain joined in going to hide in nooks and crannies around the large temple. Caleb had at one point hid under Aerith's skirt while the woman acted as if he was not there. They both giggled when Yazoo could not find him and Aerith pat his head before getting back to decorating the area. Angeal shook his head in amusement. Caleb hadn't realized how quickly he could become fond of the woman who called herself his aunt. In the last life, he had been the reason for her demise, in this life he made her laugh in happiness.

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