1. The Apple

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I got this little idea running around my head and I just had to write it down.
I can't help it...
Assassins Creed and Final Fantasy 7 are not mine.
The art is not mine either.

Desmond woke up and looked around him, he was not sure where he was, he could not remember what happened and how he ended up wherever he ended up.

Desmond rubbed his neck, 'Did I get drunk again? Nah! I was the one serving the drinks......', all of a sudden his eyes widened, 'Abstergo.... Lucy... Shaun.... Rebecca... The Temple... Oh great Masters! I died.'

From behind him came a voice which was very childlike, "Correct, you did ~"

Startled, Desmond turned around to see a transparent child like form floating in mid air. Upon closer look he realized in the middle of the child was the Apple. He was very bewildered by this development. In all the months and years they spent trying to decipher the Apple and it's code none of them knew it could communicate with others.

The child giggled, "I saved you from being taken by my lunatic creators. They are going to be so mad when they find out."

Desmond blinked at the admission, in a way he could appreciate what the Apple did. Payback for all the trouble and trauma, he was put through but it didn't explain where he was and why he was alive. He couldn't believe, he was being so nonchalant about his situation but he figured dying could do that to you. The Apple? Child? It turned back to him and took his hand pulling him from the blank space to a different one.

Desmond followed curiously, "Ah! This came a bit late but I'm Desmond. Do you have a name?"

The Apple child shrugged, "I had a lot names, Weapon, Game Changer, Destroyer, Apple seems to be stuck for a long time though. Actually give me a new name please."

Desmond quirked his eyebrow, "Ah then.. How about Ace?"

The child, "Ace? Doesn't it mean number 1? Cool!"

Desmond, "Ace, it is then. Where are we going?"

Ace stopped, "Here we are ~"

Desmond looked around in fascination, "Where are we? This looks and feels familiar."

Ace spread their hands in flourish, "This is what it looks like inside my metal body. Pretty cool huh?"

Desmond sat down looking around, "Why am I here?  Not that I'm not grateful you saved me but why?"

Ace, "I guess, I like you. I had many owners before you know.. And everyone of them picked and prodded me. Very rude if I must tell you. If someone doesn't want to talk to you then they don't want to talk. Stop bothering them."

Desmond snorted and couldn't help but laugh his heart out making Ace giggle in return. This situation was absurd and hilarious. To think the object they have been trying to figure out has a mind of it's own and they were treating him or her as a thing. The irony wasn't lost on him. In a way he understood the feeling, he was used as an object too after all.

Desmond calmed down after a while, "So? Uh.. Now what? I'm guessing, I can't return to where I came from unless I want to be caught in the middle of the crazy Goddesses again."

Ace nodded, "True true. I was planning on sending you to an alternate dimension, an alternate planet and world. She is similar to Earth yet different, more dangerous and more beautiful in a fascinating way."

Desmond hummed, "Well it couldn't be worse than being hounded by trigger happy Assassins and Templars. Oh, sorry, they call themselves Abstergo now. Will I be able to live my life the way I want to?"

Ace shrugged, "It won't be easy, you will need to grow stronger but mostly, yes, you will. I just have one request."

Desmond sighed, "Figured it would not be simple... What's the request?"

Ace looked at him straight in the eye, "I want to go with you. I'm leaving a copy of myself in that world with instructions on how to use the global shield. It will last a few millennia, I don't want to stay there however. Not anymore. I'm tired and I just want to rest."

Desmond's eyes softened, "Alright, I understand. Let's go together."

Ace jumped and grabbed Desmond's hand smiling brightly before pointing behind him, "Do you wish to say goodbye to them, first?"

Desmond looked behind him in surprise to see Altair, Ezio and Connor standing there. He's eyes widened on seeing the three men he had come to respect and love over the time he had watched over them. They were more of a parent and guardian to him then his own absent parents.

Desmond stumbled, "Why? How are you guys here?"

Altair smirked, "Novice, we have been watching you the same way you have been watching us."

Ezio grinned, "That's right Bambi ~ You see when you watched over us through the Animus, we knew, we were being watched. We just didn't know by whom."

Connor smiled, "We realized who only after you were born and stayed near you out of curiosity."

Desmond, "Oh... I apologies, that must have been uncomfortable."

Ezio, "Eh, don't worry about it."

Altair, "We did not feel danger from you anyway."

Connor frowned, "I must admit though we didn't expect the Templars to catch and torture one of our children however. We tried to help you as much as we could... But there is only so much we can do as a ghost."

Desmond blinked than blushed, "Ah. That's something. Thank you! I always felt like I was never truly alone."

Altair sighed pulling him into a tight hug, "We're here to say farewell, but only for now dear child. We won't be able to talk with you for a long time once you cross this threshold."

Ezio ruffled Desmond's hair, "We also wanted to tell you, we are very proud of you Bambino. You have come a long way from a civilian bartender to a powerful Assassin."

Connor pat his back, "Wherever you go just know we'll be watching over you. You are never alone."

Desmond finally smiled, "I thank you, for everything you have done for me. Guiding me, teaching me, looking out for me. Thank you! I will make you proud."

Ace then grabbed Desmond's hand and crossed over into a different world. The three Master Assassins stayed in the in between waiting for the youngest to join them. A whisper of 'We are proud of you', being the last thing Desmond heard before everything turned black.

What do you think?
I'm honestly just writing down what's going on in my head right now.
Ahhhhhh! I don't know where this will go.
Hopefully something good!
Till next time my dear readers!)

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