6. Birthdays and Bloodlines

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(Hello dear readers!
I'm back... And OMFG I love the new remake. There are so many ships that are just possible. Ships I didn't even think about before.
\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥
Final Fantasy 7 and Assassins Creed does not belong to me. The art is not mine!

It had been two months since Desmond and Ace joined the Strife family. Two months, since they had talked about their past, the mysterious family bonds and how eerie it was that Shinra refused to answer any of their inquiries and questions. The last two months Desmond and Claudia had sat together writing letters to Shinra about their family members. After one month of no answers even Cloud and Ace had joined in and sent questions but same result. If there was one conclusion Desmond could confidently tell from all of it was Shinra had way too many fingers, in too many pies. 

It felt like the Templars all over again but luckily for them, they were not in to mind control though. Desmond would have completely flipped his shit and left this world dragging his new family along with him otherwise, he had enough of that in one world already. Thank you very much! Now, here he was helping his Aunt prepare for a eleven year old's birthday party. It would just be the four of them but hey it's more comfortable and cosy that way. A month ago, Ace had found out what happened before they had arrived and to say Desmond was pissed would be a complete understatement.


Ace sat on his bed, "Hey Des, have you noticed how the villagers treat our Aunt and baby cousin?"

Desmond who was getting ready for bed looked up at that and nodded, "I did."

He had noticed it, as it was hard not to, but since it was only three days since they were here, they didn't say anything. He figured Ace would find out what happened and tell him, he seem to be able to do that a lot. Desmond had spent most of his time during the day, either helping with the house chores or collecting firewood or hunting in the forest and writing enquiry letters at night. He could confidently say, he had become quite skilled in catching rabbits and getting rid of the smaller monsters. The lightning materia that he found and started to master weeks ago, helped a lot in that endeavour.

Ace continued, "I figured out what happened before we came here. It turns out the Mayor's daughter, Tifa lost her mom a few weeks before we arrived. And the local belief or rather legend is that, the dead go to the mountain. So the poor little girl decided to go there. Now, our dear cousin found out about it and went after her worried about her safety. He tried to make her see sense but she didn't listen to him."

Desmond sighed, "She wanted her mom back, poor little chick."

Ace nodded, "Yeah! They came across an old bridge and unfortunately for the two of them, the bridge didn't hold their weight and they fell. Luckily both Tifa and Cloud survived the fall. Unluckily the Mayor decided to blame Cloud for the incident."

Desmond got up, "WHAT?"

Claudia who was finishing up her cleaning, "Is everything okay there?"

Desmond shouted back, "We're fine Aunt. Don't worry!"

Claudia, "If you say so."

Desmond turned to Ace, "Are they serious?"

Ace frowned, "I know, I can't believe how stupid people are. Cloud is such a sweet, bright and kind kid."

Desmond nodded frowning and trying to calm down, "How about we give him the best birthday? It's in a few days right? He doesn't need those idiots, he got us now!"

Ace brightened up, "Yes! That's a good idea! I even know what to give him as a gift."

Flashback end!

Desmond shook his head, 'Guess humans will be humans, no matter what world we are in.'

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