2. New World and Materia

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(Welcome back everyone!
Back with another chapter. I thought I would leave it at chapter 1 but inspiration stuck while playing the game.
The art above is by thingamajik from deviant art.
Assassins Creed and Final Fantasy 7 does not belong to me.

Desmond came around to the feeling of someone prodding his face. He opened his eyes to see Ace looking at him, waiting for him to get up. He got up feeling cold, thankfully he was still in his hoodie, pants, was that a sweater inside? And of course, his assassin blades which were still on him. He looked around and saw he or rather they were in a forest covered in snow.

Desmond frowned not recognizing the area, "Where are we?"

Ace hummed, "We are on a different world, planet, universe, etc, whatever you may call it. In a mountainous snowy region. I checked the area, we are safe from any wild creatures so don't worry about being attacked. Oh, and there is a village down there where we can ask for help and figure out where we are."

Desmond gave a deadpan, "You did not research this place, did you?"

Ace shrugged, "I figured, you would want to do stuff on your own, instead of just listening to everything I say."

Desmond sighed not denying it, "I guess so. Shall we?"

Ace got up and held Desmond's hand looking like a kid. Desmond stared at the being only realizing now how much different he was compared to before. He decided to walk and talk, from the looks of it, it would be a while till they reached the settlement.

Desmond cleared his throat, "I got a few questions for you."

Ace grinned, "Shoot."

Desmond, "How do you look human?"

Ace hummed, "Ah! About that, I may or may not have given up my immortal body for a mortal one? That's the bet way to put it."

Desmond's eyebrow rose, "That's actually possible?"

Ace looked up at him, "I lived long enough to figure out how. It was not easy mind you and not to forget painful and I'm not sure, I'm completely human either. I still have all my knowledge and some of my abilities. Also it may be because we took over our alternate selves in this world."

Desmond stopped, "What? Is that wise?"

Ace huffed, "Don't worry, they had already died before I commenced the take over. It was one of the conditions for a new beginning. There are other more complicated ones but they aren't really important in the long run. Also, I must warn you this world has monsters."

Desmond tilted his head, "Humans are capable of being monsters."

Ace shook his head, "No! No! I mean real living monsters like dragons, swamp monsters, slime monsters, etc."

Desmond looked at him dubiously, "I... That's interesting to note. How do people handle them? There are humans in this world right?"

Ace nodded, "Yes, they learn to fight them and once the monsters are defeated they scavenge the creature for parts or if they are really lucky get some sort of treasure. Think of it like isekai like in those Japanese manga or transmigration like in Chinese novels."

Desmond snorted, "I see... So basically monster hunting is equal to treasure hunting. Yeah, I think I get the appeal, sort of, maybe."

Ace looked at Desmond, "You have the skills of an Assassin, I bet you could take them on too, if you wanted. I didn't take your assassin skills away you know. Only your age."

Desmond, "What do you mean?"

Ace giggled, "You are younger or your alternate self is, you could say. You are seventeen again."

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