7. Dresses and Tifa

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(Hello everyone....
I'm back!
Assassins Creed and Final Fantasy 7 does not belong to me.
The art is from Tifa concept art in deviant art. Check it out!

It had been almost a full year since Desmond started teaching Cloud. Since Cloud already knew the basics of hunting, foraging and survival, they had moved to basic stealth in the first month of their training. Cloud had taken to learning stealth like a duck to water. He already had formed a habit to avoid being noticed. Desmond had taken that and pushed it beyond instinctual act to intentional. After two months of training, Cloud could now move around town unnoticed though it was still impossible around wolves, he was not even going near dragons.

Ace, "Now the next part of stealth movement is the get up."

Claudia's eyes gleamed, "Get up?"

Desmond twitched remembering his teen years, "Yeah, different places have different clothing styles. Mom used to make us try out different styled formal outfits every four months."

Ace laughed, "She insisted it was a good way to bond."

Desmond, "I think she had a little too much fun trying to make us walk in heel while wearing corsets and a dress."

Ace puffed up, "I make a beautiful girl though. Prettier than other girls."

Claudia, "I had a few dresses made before Cloud was born. We were not sure if it will be a boy or girl."

Desmond and Ace's eyes gleamed and Ace took out a corset while Cloud felt a dread go down his spine at the gleam in his family's eyes. Cloud tried to back away but Ace was already on him trying to put the corset on. Cloud squawked at his cousins who had him in a corset in no time and wanted to sink into the ground when his ma came holding blue, pink, green and yellow female dresses.

Claudia, "The pink and blue ones might be too long for Cloud right now but the green and yellow however."

Cloud, "Ma, how long have you had these?"

Claudia, I suppose since I realised you were in my stomach."

Ace, "Let's try the yellow one first. Don't worry, I think this green one will fit me. We can practice our stealth together."

Cloud pouted when he realized there was no getting out but relented when Ace decided to join him. He had fun for two whole months after that, till he heard rumours of two mountain fairies who would appear in the village sometimes. Cloud wanted the ground to swallow him while Claudia grinned like a cat that caught the canary. He should not have let Ace modify the clothes and add more floral motif to it, nor those translucent butterfly wings.

Cloud, 'The only good thing out of this was no one knew it was them thanks to the wigs they were wearing.'

Tifa was irritated, no scratch that she was angry. She had messed up a year ago and instead of her, her best friend was blamed. It was not his fault, but her stubborn Dad just would not listen to her. He even forbade her from being friends with Cloud and on top of that she even missed out on his birthday last year. She had thrown a fit that day and ran off only to stumble into Master Zangan. The kind Wutaian had brought her to a table and given her tea offering to listen to her. 

She had spilled everything that happened and how it was her fault. Master Zangan, bless his soul had distracted her by offering her to join him while he trained. Tifa had blinked curious about his fighting style and  had watched him first. Something about the fighting style called to Tifa and she requested to learn seriously. She wanted to protect her friend not cause him trouble. Zangan eyed her and told her if she wanted to learn the more serious techniques, she would have to prove it to him. Tifa nodded determined and the next day searched him out early in the morning to train.

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