5. Family History

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I'm back with another chapter....
Final Fantasy 7 and Assassins Creed are not mine.
I corrected some mistakes on the last chapter. Thank you reader for pointing it out.

Claudia led Desmond and Ace to the kitchen table to sit before going to the counter and taking out a pot to make some tea. She noticed Cloud look at them curiously before ducking his head away in embarrassment for being caught watching them. She smiled at how shy and adorable her kid could be when it came to others and turned to look at the two boys. She had a feeling her husband's family wouldn't be as normal as she thought. Claudia noticed that the younger one, Ace kept looking at the stairs, she guessed why he would. Young boys preferred being in the company of other young boys.

Claudia cleared her throat, "I'm making Pine top tea. I hope you don't mind, but we don't have normal tea available this far out."

Ace smiled adorably making Claudia's heart melt, "It's fine Auntie. It sounds really good to drink. I don't mind trying out new stuff, who knows we might end up liking it too."

Claudia bit back her coo and cleared her throat, "It is good for your health and a natural medicine."

Desmond bit back a laugh at the interaction. The former artifact now his brother was really selling the adorable nephew act quiet well, though he was not wrong. He looked at the stairs where the blonde boy from before was hiding and decided to call him over. He was their cousin so he had the right to know as well. Especially since they would be talking about Storm Miles too.

Desmond called, "Hello there ~ Why don't you come over here and join us? My name is Desmond Miles and this is my younger brother Ace Miles."

Ace smiled brightly at the blond boy, "Come join us."

Cloud who had been hiding came out and over to the table looking at him with curiosity, "Hi, I am Cloud... Are you really my cousins? Because it would be really nice and cool to have more family members. It's only been ma and I so far."

Desmond couldn't help but find the little blond guy adorable, he was probably no older than 10 or so, "Yes, I do believe we are cousins, little cousin. I am seventeen years old and my brother here is twelve years old."

Cloud looked up at him smiling, "You're both older than me. I'm turning eleven next month."

Ace brightened, "Really? That's cool. We have to get you a gift then."

Cloud "Eh? You don't have to."

Ace turned to Desmond looking determined, "We got to get a gift for him, Des."

Desmond nodded, "We missed ten years worth of birthdays, thanksgiving and Yule. So definitely getting you something."

Ace, "Don't worry, it won't be anything gaudy or ugly."

Cloud was flustered, "That's not what I mean. I mean, it's not a big deal."

Claudia smiled from the stove, 'It really would be nice to not be alone anymore.'

Desmond laughed, "We definitely have to have a party. We cannot go without one. Between the four of us, I am sure we can have fun."

Cloud flushed pink at the plans his cousins, he really truly hoped they were his cousins, were making, 'Is this how it feels like to have a big brother?'

The kettle meanwhile gave a sharp whistle signaling the tea was ready. Claudia took the pot off the stove and took out four ceramic cups and plates along with a tray to pour the tea. She served it to everyone with a cup of sugar. Ace in the meantime was taking out two packets containing salted and sugar biscuits from his bag. At this point, Desmond decided not to question what he did anymore and accepted the tea with some biscuits.

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