34. Enemies Reborn as Twins

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(Assassins Creed and Final Fantasy seven are not mine.
The picture above is a screenshot from the anime, Last Order: Final Fantasy Seven.
-mind link-

Cloud was in a trance, no, he knew he was in a trance. He didn't realize a trance would be green in colour. He looked around and everything was very hazy. There was someone moving around out there but he could not see them. He did hear a few mutterings of, 'fascinating', 'interesting', 'wonderful, wonderful', etc. It was very annoying and made him feel very pissed off for some reason. He wondered, how he got there and why he couldn't move. Then he felt something prick his shoulder and felt annoyance bubble inside.

Cloud, 'Don't touch me! I swear, if I could move.'

Hojo was watching his newest lab item, "Interesting, his conscious is active though his body is sleeping."

Hojo then turned to the two toddlers who were no older than one year olds, in a crib, "Your mother is a powerful Ancient, indeed. Just like Ilfalna used to be. It's a shame she is no longer around."

The two toddler's eyes widened and stared at the blond inside. One of the toddlers was very pissed, the last thing he remembered was fighting another Sephiroth clone. Vincent had been off trying to stop the omega event from happening and he did stop it. But, sadly, it was not enough and the planet started to die right in front of them. Cloud could do nothing but watch with horror as the ground beneath him crumbled and his friends died one by one.

Sephiroth, he noticed was pissed off for some reason making Cloud sneer. He had no right to act as if he was the one wronged, when he kept trying to destroy the planet. Then, his silver haired nemesis grabbed him and flew off despite Cloud cursing him for his actions. The next thing Cloud knew was, Sephiroth had opened a portal and pushed him through it. Cloud shouted at him for it, but the silver head ignored it and followed through.

When they woke up, they had realized the two of them were sleeping side by side unable to move around. Sephiroth had been bewildered, this was not part of the plan, while Cloud was cursing him again. Then they saw that one man they both hated for many different reasons looming over them. Fucking Hojo! Of all people to be there to greet them, it was that bastard scientist. To say, they were not amused was an understatement and when Hojo had revealed their parentage.

Little Cloud, 'This fucker. He had another Cetra with him all along.'

Little Sephiroth was eyeing the blond inside the tube, -Why is there an older Cloud?-

Little Cloud was miffed, -Stay out of my head. What do you mean?-

Little Sephiroth, -Hojo just said our new mother's name was Cloud Strife.-

Cloud staggered, -Impossible, did that fucker push me out of my own body? Last I checked I was no Ancient.-

Little Sephiroth eyed the fuming toddler, -I don't think we are in our origin planet. Last thing, I remember Deep Ground was getting pummeled by that dark haired demon friend of yours.-

Little Cloud snapped, -He is not a demon.-

Hojo returned, "It's time for your treatment."

Both toddlers cringed as Hojo took blood samples from them making them cry out. Curse their young bodies, they were not used to pain at all. On hearing the cries, Cloud who was in the Mako tank stirred and turned. His hand coming up ro bang the glass.

Hojo noticed, "Fascinating! He reacted to your pain. I wonder, I wonder."

The two toddler's felt dread as he took out a needle and stabbed them. The cries that came made the body act out more, he was hitting the glass of the tank till it cracked. Hojo gave a cruel laugh and went on a tangent about reunion theory getting twin glares from the toddlers who were not amused. Hojo was about to stab them once again when there was a rumble that shook the lab.

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