Chapter 17

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Dinah's POV

I'm at work and Normani is at home sick with a cold I'll be getting off in 15 minutes and I have to go to the store to grab some cold and flu medicine for my sick little princess at home right now I'm on my 10 minute break I might as well text Normani while I'm on break now because I forgot to tell her bye so she's probably mad at me right now but idk I'll see anyways and if she is I'll make it up to her by taking her to the beach.

I'm at work and Normani is at home sick with a cold I'll be getting off in 15 minutes and I have to go to the store to grab some cold and flu medicine for my sick little princess at home right now I'm on my 10 minute break I might as well text Nor...

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And ofc my dumb ex boy best friend comes to bother me (Izzak walks over to Dinah) IZZAK WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NOW he told me that he still wants to go out with me but I told him to fuck off somewhere and rolled my eyes because he was really pi...

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And ofc my dumb ex boy best friend comes to bother me (Izzak walks over to Dinah) IZZAK WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NOW he told me that he still wants to go out with me but I told him to fuck off somewhere and rolled my eyes because he was really pissin me the fuck off.

Normani's POV

I'm upset with Dinah because she didn't tell me bye before she left for work but she texted me and explained why she didn't say bye to me but that doesn't matter it's not fair she knows I love her but I like to hear her voice before she leaves but she also has a point yes I'm sick but she could've a least said bye. Anyways Imma text my cousin Kehlani and ask her to hang out with me cause I'm bored.

Lani and Mani's txt convo

Mani 🤓💕: Lani I'm bored 😐 can you come over?

Lani 🥰❤️‍🔥: Ain't you livin' with Dinah 🤨?

Mani 🤓💕: Yea but she's not here and I'm upset with her.

Lani🥰❤️‍🔥: Don't tell me she broke your heart do I need to bring a tub of ice cream and tissues.

Mani 🤓💕: No she didn't break my heart but I do need the tissues please and thxs.

Lani🥰❤️‍🔥: Ok good and sure I'll come over there and I'll bring tissues wait are you sick Mani.

Mani 🤓💕: Me sick hahaha never ok fine I'm sick it's just a cold but Dinah's bring me medicine and we're gonna go to the beach for a long walk tonight.

Lani🥰❤️‍🔥: I'll be there and I'll stay till Dinah gets there ok cousin.

Mani 🤓💕: Ok sure thanks you're the best.

Lani🥰❤️‍🔥: No problem anytime

Kehlani made it to Dinah's house safely the two have been watching YouTube videos and watching Netflix Dinah on the other hand just got off of work and heading to CVS to go pick up some cold and flu medicine, Orange Juice Peppermint tea and Green tea for Normani to make her feel better when Dinah got home she opened up her door and saw Mani and Lani lying down on the couch asleep while 101 Dalmatians was playin on the tv Dinah decided to change the plans because Normani was really tried so she let her sleep Kehlani woke up and she said that she heading home now and told Dinah to take Great care of Normani for her.

Dinah picked Normani up from the couch and walked upstairs with her to put her in the bed She striped out of her work clothes and went to shower after she showered and put her sports bra and boxers on she climbed in the bed with Normani still sound asleep Dinah moved Normani closer to her where Normani's back was face Dinah's front of her body she kissed her cheek and whispered I love you and then Dinah put her head on Mani's shoulder and went to sleep.

A/N: Hi everyone tell me how you like the story so far Ik I'm putting to much detail in this story but I'm still learning day by day.

Please vote and comment oh and thx for 1k reads I appreciate it ok bye loves ❤️.

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