Chapter 33

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The twins are now three months old and they have been keeping Dinah and Normani up all night it's currently 2:00am Dinah and the twins are sleeping and Normani is in the restroom no more than 20 minutes later Kaia starts crying and screaming Normani ran out of the bathroom and went straight to the twins room it's ok Kaia Mommies here Normani said cooing to her daughter as she was holding her she realized that her daughter was burning up so she decided to take her onesie off.

Baby wake up Kaia is burning up I think she has a fever Normani said whispering the best she can because Kaia is still crying what do you mean she's burning up have you checked her temperature, yet Dinah asked half-awake No I haven't taken her temperature yet I just got out the bathroom so I can come back to bed and no longer than 20 minutes she was crying Normani said.

Dinah got out of bed and walked slowly to the bathroom and grab the thermometer to check Kaia's temp both parents hope that it didn't spread to their other daughter because they don't need two sick babies in the house cause that would be a lot of stress on both of them because Dinah has a job she's a pediatrician which is why she doesn't really panic so much when the twins do get sick Dinah's eyes widened when she seen Kaia's temp.

Huh Bae why do you look like that what's wrong Normani said with worry in her voice Well she is sick she's got a cold so that's why she's burning up Dinah said calmly not to panic her girlfriend how are you so calm Baby I don't understand how you're not panicking right now Normani said freaking out it's because I'm an older sibling and I've dealt with this before so at first I did panic but then I realized that panicking was not going to help anything so that's why I'm so calm Dinah said.

I know I should be calm but you know I'm a first time parent and this kinda stuff is a little new to me I mean yea I got sick as a kid but my mom took care of me but this shouldn't be new to me cause little cousins and stuff get sick to and I would help them Normani said Mani baby you're not alone in this we are both new parents and this stuff can be scary but we go this together no matter what happens between the both of us Dinah said.

At Winston jr hospital for children

Well Kaia has grown so much the last time we seen her and she's a very healthy baby but as of right now she does have a cold so I recommend to get her some cough syrup most parents recommend Zarbee's cough syrup and some sleep and she'll be better soon and if it gets worse please come back and it hasn't spread to Simone so she's perfectly fine but keep them in a separate room for now until Kaia gets better Dr. Anderson said.

Thank you so much Dr. Anderson this means a lot we will definitely be going to get Zarbee's cough syrup but I'm pretty sure it won't get worse just a cold Dinah said You're Welcome, ladies and please feel free to come back if anything else comes up Normani put Kaia back into the double stroller and walked out the doctor's office back into the elevator to get the first floor and head to the car.

Baby why are you pushing the stroller Dinah asked I don't know because maybe I felt like it I guess Normani responded Move out of the way please you shouldn't be pushing the stroller Dinah said moving Normani to the other side of the stroller Why can't I push the stroller bae they are my kids too Normani explained I know they are but you had to carry them two for 9 months so I'll be pushing around the stroller thank you very much Dinah said with a smile on her face.

Normani stood there in silence with her arms folded she understands that she carried the twins for 9 months, but she just couldn't help but look at her babies because they are so adorable, and she couldn't get enough of them so she would always try and stay with them all the time, but Dinah would stop her DINAH PLEASE LET ME PUSH THEM Normani said in a whining, yelling tone while in the elevator.

Baby why are you being this way you've been pushing them all week long and last week too Dinah questioned because babe I'm obsessed with our kids, and I just love looking at them Normani exclaimed I'm obsessed with them to but I wanna be able to push them around the stroller before they grow up on us Dinah said with sad eyes not ready for the twins to grow up yet your right bae I should just let you push them because I've been pushing them around since the day we brought them home they are our miracle babies because not all babies survive being a premature baby cause I heard a lady lost her son because he was born prematurely Normani stated.

Back at Home

Bae can you check Simone's temp and make sure she isn't sick I would do it but I'm fixing their bottles at the moment if you don't mind doing that for me Normani shouted from the kitchen Yeah, my love, I got you Dinah shouted back from in the attic Mani and Dinah decide to separate the twins just so Simone couldn't get sick even though both parents know it could happen sooner or later and they will have to put them back in the same room together Dinah climb down the ladder from the Attic and closed the door.

She went into her and Normani's room and grabbed the thermometer for Simone to see if she was sick or not when the thermometer beeped Dinah to the thermometer out and luckily Simone wasn't sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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