chapter four

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"Eggs, eggs, and more fucking eggs." I murmured, going over every shelf in the fridge.

If I wasn't going to be able to get some rest, I sure wanted to make it up by getting some food into my stomach.

"Hey, I don't go to your house and complain about what you have and don't have." Pony spoke strolling behind me.

"Sorry Pone, but if I eat another egg, my stomach is going to throw itself up." I said, twirling around to look at him.

"You're so over dramatic," Pony responded rolling his eyes.

I crossed my arms in front of me, "whatever you say, eggboy."

Pony halted what he was doing and glared at me, "eggboy?"

"I said what I said."

Pony opened his mouth getting ready to tell me something, but instead stopped himself, scratched his head and shuffled away from me.

     "What am I going to eat now?" I asked myself.

     With no one there to respond back to me I answered myself, "well i'm definitely not eating eggs, so nothing I guess."

      No rest, no food, no Toni. What a great way to start my day.

     Closing the fridge I slumped my way over to the couch, only to run right smack into Dally's chest.

     "Ever heard of personal space, doll?" Dally smirked, bringing his face only and inch away from mine.

     "When the hell did you get here?" I glared, ignoring his stupid comment and flicking his forehead to shoo him away.

Dally let out a chuckle and shook his head, "Pony asked me to take him out to the movies tonight. But I thought I would come a little early to annoy you."

     "Figures," I mumbled.

      You would think Dally and Toni would be the ones related to each other with how much they act like each other and with how much they both managed to get on my nerves and seemed to enjoy doing it as well.

     "Why don't you come with us kid?" Dally asked.

     "I have a name, Dallas," I huffed, "But no, I have plans tonight, Toni has been acting strange and I just want to make sure he's safe."

     Dallas raised his eyebrows at me, "maybe you should leave the kid alone."

     "Why? Do you know something Dallas?" I crossed my arms. Dallas always knows all the whereabouts about Toni, and I'm always the last to know, despite being his twin, his own flesh and blood.

     "No, I don't know anything Tori."

     That was a lie. I should know by now, if Toni was up to something Dallas would know. Not only that, he was probably in on it as well.

      But I had no way of knowing how to get any information out of Dallas, just like I had no idea on how to get it out of Toni.

     I rolled my eyes at him, just to show him that I knew he was full of bullshit. I shoved my way past him heading out the door in frustration.

     Dallas caught my arm before I could walk out the door, "Believe me Tori, if Toni is involved in something you know it's no good. It's best to let him do his thing and stay away. You would be safer like that."

     Dallas rarely showed any real emotions besides the facade he put on. But right now, I could see the worry seeping through his eyes.

      But his worry didn't concern me whatsoever, I was too clouded by my worry for my brother to care.

     I yanked my arm from his grasp, "So you do know something?" I questioned.

      Dallas averted his gaze away from mine, "No T, I don't."


      "Tori," he pleaded, "don't be like that."

      "Dally, if you're going to lie straight to my face, why don't you just leave me alone?"

      I didn't give him anytime to reply because I was tired of hearing his meaningless words run out his mouth.

      I heard him following me around the house and even though he was trying to tell me something, I completely blocked him. He knew what it was that I was looking to hear, but whatever he was yapping about was certainly not that. 

      Pony was watching us and honestly it was probably starting to look a cat and mouse game, I was starting to crawl over the couch just to get away from him.

       "Tori," Dally began to shout, "Can you just listen to me?"

       I glared at Dally, "Is it what I want to hear?"


      "Then I don't want to hear it."

       Dally gave me a look, and I know I was starting to piss him off, which really wasn't hard to do anyways because he had a short ass temper.

       I was hoping that Dallas would catch the idea that I didn't want to be anywhere around him, but Dally was hard headed and always had to get his piece in. I was hard headed as well, just in a different way than Dal.

       I grabbed my shoes and quickly put them one, all while Dally was hovered over me trying to get through to me, but I gave him a chance.

       He should know that all I care about is my brother.

       I pushed myself out the door, hoping the Dal would finally leave me alone, but of course there he was in the doorway.

       And the only way I could separate me and him is by slamming the door, maybe then that would put it through to his head that I wasn't in the mood for whatever he had going on.

     I felt a little guilt slamming the door in front of Dal's face. But he deserved it, I know he knows something, and the fact that he wants to keep it away from me, irritates me.

      Everything about Dallas Winston irritates me.

      Dallas and I got along okay most of the times, but of course there were those times that he got under my skin, yet I think that was amusing to him.

      It seemed like he enjoyed upsetting me. 

      I don't think with this situation he was trying to tick me off though. He just thought that he knew better than me, thought that he knew what was best for me and Toni.

       Dally has always been like that though, a know it all at least. 

Authors Note 2024: These first few chapters are really short and kind of choppy, and I am so sorry about that. I started this book when I was a freshman in high school but i'm now a freshman in college so my writing has changed a lot, meaning that all the future chapters that I have been writing have more flow and length. I ask you that you pull through with these first few chapters in order to be able to see the new chapters that I am putting out for this story! I tried adding as much length to these first few chapters that I could without rewriting the whole chapter. 

     Probably in the future when I am done with the book I will fully go over these first few chapters to rewrite the whole beginning of the book, but right now I am more focused on finishing the book! Thank you for sticking along and I know that you will enjoy the later chapters even more!

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