Chapter thirty-six

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     I woke up to the sound of hollering and as my senses became more and more alert I was able to make sense of the situation that was happening in the midst of my bedroom.

     "Two-Bit I swear it's not what it looks like," Soda pleaded.

       "What do you mean it's not what it looks like, you're in bed with my sister!" Keith hollered.

     As I peeled my eyes open I could see Soda on one side of the bed and a very angry Two-Bit on the other. Which made the situation even more interesting was the grasp my twin had on my older brother.

       "Soda, you should make your escape out the window while you can." Toni spit out, huffing and puffing from fighting with Keith.

       One would think that Toni would have a more serious look considering the situation, but of course Toni was enjoying the show.

"I'm going to skin the both of you," Two-bit hollered, pointing his fingers at us.

I was still trying to grasp the whole situation of what was happening.

Soda must have fell asleep with me and forgot to leave.

Not like there was any other explanation.

"Two-bit," I shouted to try and get his attention, "it really is not what it looks like."

"Yeah, I mean, their clothes are still on," Toni snickered.

Two-bit gave Toni the most annoyed look I have ever seen his face make.

I was guessing it was still early enough for my mother not to be home because I know she would be in here as well to see what all the commotion was about, but I know she wouldn't be as livid as Two-bit was.

No one would be as enraged at Two-bit was.

It was still a mystery though to as how Two-bit was here so early and how he even knew to come check my room for Soda.

Before I knew it, Two-bit managed to get out of Toni's grip and started to chase Soda around my room.

And then there was Toni in the corner of my room, cheering Soda on, "Run, Soda! Run!"

I watched in bewilderment as Two-Bit ran around my bed to get to Soda and in response Soda threw himself over my bed to get away, crawling right over my legs.

Two-bit tried to catch up to Soda by go across my bed as well but as soon as Soda was out my door, Toni slammed the door shut, leaving just me and Two in my room.

Two tried tugging the door open but instantly gave up.

"Two-Bit, don't be mad, please," I begged. I was hoping my 'sister charm' would be able to get through to him but I don't think that was going to work out the way I wanted it to.

       It definitely didn't work out the way I wanted it to.

"What did you think you were doing?" Keith hollered at me.

"Ummm, sleeping?" I answered back. Though it came out more sarcastic then I wanted it to and Two-bit sent me an even more menacing look.

       "You can't just have a boy in your bed, Tori." He yelled at me. I've seen Two mad before about me and Soda together, but not like right now. He seemed absolutely livid about Soda in my bed.

      "Two, Soda just came to visit me this morning and we fell asleep."

Two shook his head at me and I know my words were in no way going to get through to him and calm him down.

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