Chapter twenty-three

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"You can't make me get down." I muttered crossing my arms.

The rain has now stopped, and even after begging and pleading to Eric, we were unfortunately in front of the Curtis house.

"I don't think i'm going to be the one to do it." Eric muttered back, placing a cigarette in his mouth and lightning it.

I was facing Eric, and even though he wasn't looking back at me I scowled at him.

The passenger door suddenly opened startling me.

"Tori, get the fuck out of the car."

I wasn't facing the dumbass, but I could just tell it was Dallas.

I rolled my eyes and Eric let out a snicker.

"Now, Tori." Dallas ordered.

I didn't reply, just kept facing away from him and watching Eric, who seemed amused.

Suddenly, Dallas was leaning in the car and his head was right next to mine, "what the fuck is wrong with you, Eric?"

Eric took a drag from his cigarette and blew it in Dally's face.

Since my head was right next to Dally's I had to swat the smoke away too because it was right in my direction.

"What ever do you mean?" Eric replied gently, a small smirk on his mouth.

Dallas just stared at Eric, and they both had a stare off for what felt like forever. Dallas looked like he was going to lunge over me and choke the life out of Eric, and Eric just held a smirk on his face, like this whole situation was fun to him.

I don't think either one of them blinked.

"Tori, get out of the car now, or i'm going to pull you out myself." Dallas said, still keeping his eyes on Eric.

"How am I supposed to get out when your blocking the way?" I asked sarcastically.

Dallas shot his head around and glared at me, he was so close to my face I could feel his rapid breathing.

I guess he was angry.

I quickly turned towards Eric pleading with my eyes to not let me go with him.

I heard Dallas curse under his breath, and before I knew it he was grabbing me and pulling me out of the car.

Well, attempting to pull me out of the car, more like fighting.

In the middle of us wrestling with each other and me trying to kick him off of me, he yelled towards Eric, "I'm not going to tell you again Eric, stay away from her."

"I can't make no promises." Eric said gently, holding the cigarette in his mouth. 

I've never seen anyone so calm around Dallas when he was acting like... well Dallas.

"Son of a Bitch, Tori," Dallas grumbled, "Will you stop kicking me?"

I know I looked like a toddler throwing a fit, but I really didn't want to go in that house with all those traitors.

Between the constant wrestling with Dallas to get away from him and the smoke Eric was blowing in our direction, I finally got tired enough where Dallas grabbed my ankles together and pulled me out.

What amazed me the most was Eric was just watching the whole thing so calmly, like he was enjoying the show.

"Well I did my part," Eric smiled sarcastically towards Dally.

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