Chapter thirty-one

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"Tori, what have you done?" Eric muttered again, his hand converting his eyes.

       "Can I ask you a question?" I muttered, ignoring him.

        He didn't answer but I went ahead and asked anyways, "Why do you live with him?"

     "It's a long story," Eric mumbled.

We were sitting across the street from the Curtis house, and I know Two was worried about me and Toni because it had to be close to 10 o'clock at night.

Thankfully, it wasn't just me missing this time.

"You can't tell anyone," I muttered, looking out the window towards the house.

"They'll find out themselves sooner or later,"

"I don't care, you can't tell anyone, especially Toni, he would probably go and try to switch places with me all over again."

Eric groaned, "Even if Toni wanted to, you already made a deal with Chris, he might be a complete psycho but once he makes a deal, it's a done deal."

"I don't care, just don't tell him, I don't want him to worry, I just want him to get better."

"You're really okay sacrificing yourself for someone else's consequences?" Eric asked.

"When it comes to my brother, yes, I am."

"Seems like you put him before yourself." Eric muttered, now looking at me.

I shrugged my shoulders at him.

He continued, "can't be an easy thing to do."

I looked at him carefully, did he not realize that I had to do this in order to save my brother?

"How much longer can you do this until you break?"

I looked down into my lap, not knowing how to answer.

All I knew is that if i had to sacrifice myself to save Toni, I would.

"You better go inside," Eric muttered, "I'll go check on your brother, and don't worry I won't tell him a thing."

"Thank you," I mumbled.

Eric looked at me sadly, I knew he was still agitated with me, but there was nothing he could do about it, there was nothing I could even do about it now.

"I guess i'll see you later,"

"Yeah," I replied, opening the door, and getting out. Eric sat there watching until I made it to the front door and as soon as I did, he sped off.

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