Chapter seventeen

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Me and Soda had just arrived in front of his house and were sitting in silence, I smiled to the thought that I actually had a really good time tonight.

I still think that this is a bad idea, but I am trying to enjoy the moment rather than think so negatively about it.


I hummed in response and turned to face Soda, he was smiling at me softly and the way he was scanning my face was making my stomach turn.

"I really do like you," He whispered to me.

I didn't reply to him but just stared at him in awe and his smile grew deeper before he cupped his hand under my face to turn my face to the side where he then kissed me on the cheek.

He pulled away slowly, staring at me, not taking his hand from underneath my chin and I could feel my cheeks heat up all over again.

Usually I am so flirtatious with Soda, but I've noticed that when he returns my feelings I have no idea on how to react, I guess you could say he really takes my breath away.

Soda finally dropped his hand returning it to his lap, "I guess we should head inside now."

"Okay," I responded. I lifted my hand up to touch my cheek where Soda just kissed me and he smiled at me in response.

We both hopped out of the car, this time I got down myself rather than waiting for Soda to come help me out.

I was reaching for the door handle to the front door of the Curtis house before Soda stopped me. I turned to look at him confused before he answered me, "If Eric ever tries to bother you again, I want you to come to me."

I nodded at him in response even though I knew I couldn't do that, especially if Eric was willing to tell me what's been going on.

I guess Soda noticed something off about my response because he continued to say, "I mean it Tori, I've heard some pretty messed up things about him and it seems by the way he was acting with you tonight that he's taken an interest in you."

"What are you jealous?" I joked, which was probably not a good time to joke because Soda frowned at me.

"No, just worried."

After just staring at each other for awhile and not knowing what to say to one other, we both decided that it was time to head inside. All the boys were lounging around in the living room, but of course Toni and Dally were both absent.

I could almost bet on the idea that they were both together right now.

All their heads turned to snap towards us which made me very uncomfortable for some reason, probably because I knew they were all thinking of something smart to say because all their mouths opened at the exact same time but Darry beat them to it, "How'd it go?"

"It went good," I responded softly.

"Then why do both of you look so damn gloomy," Steve shouted.

Soda turned to look at me, probably thinking about our conversation from a couple of seconds ago and I pleaded with my eyes for him not to say anything about Eric, I was afraid that it would ruin my chances to hear about Toni, because I knew there was no one else to tell me anything, but he had no idea what the reason why was.

Soda smiled at me and then turned back to the group, "We had a really good time, just tired after tonight that's all."

I internally face palmed myself because I don't think Soda had any clue how dirty that sounded.

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