Chapter one

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     "I can't believe you dragged me into doing this." I mumbled crossing my arms.

     Toni looked up at me and chuckled, "you could have easily said no, I didn't force you."

     I raised my eyebrow and leaned up against the cement wall throwing my head back to look at the sky. It was cloudy and gloomy and this type of weather didn't exactly scream fun and playful.

       "You're right. You blackmailed me." I clicked my tongue in annoyance, making sure to throw him an annoyed look.

      Toni ignored me but continued with the task ahead of him. That task being one of the most ridiculous and dangerous pranks I have heard come out of his mouth.

     "Do you see any of them yet?" He asked not taking his eyes up from what he was doing.

     I pushed myself off the wall and peered around the corner, "no, not yet. Are you almost done? They're going to be here soon." I said anxiously.

     He picked up the cherry bombs that he had tied together and smirked, "I am now."

      He tossed me a bundle of three and held the other bundle in his hand looking very proud of himself.

       Quite humorous that one was so proud for putting such a ridiculous plan into action without thinking.

     "Your such an idiot, I'm amazed we're related." I said bluntly.

     "No I am not, we're just having a little fun is all."

     We heard voices off in the distance and both peered around the corner. Before I even got a chance to get a good look he tugged me back behind the wall roughly.

     He crouched down bringing me along with him and put a finger to his lips telling me to be quiet.

      I glared at him, and smacked him upside the head.

      "Ow! What was that for?" He whispered, while rubbing his head.

       "For putting our friends in danger and pulling me into your mischievous prank." I whispered back.

     "You could've said no~" he sang.

     "Whatever, how are we going to manage to pull this off anyways?" I asked looking at the firecrackers in my hand while twirling them around.

      "See! I knew you would be all for this!" He said over dramatically rubbing the top of my head and squinting his eyes.

     I smacked his hand away, "hurry up and tell me before I change my mind," I huffed. 

      His smirk fell from his face and he got serious, "Okay as soon as I light that bundle in your hand, your going to throw it, but not right at them, just in front of them to scare them." He whispered.

     "They're going to kill you." I rolled my eyes.

     "No, they're going to kill both of us. Don't forget you agreed to this." He whispered pointing at me.

      I closed my eyes and brought my hands together.

     "What are you doing?" Toni asked me unamused.

     "Dear god," I whispered, "please excuse my stupid twin brother. I apologize for him and hope his actions don't define my own. Thank you, amen."

     I opened my eyes to see a disgusted look on Toni's face.

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