chapter seven

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Tori's P.O.V.

I didn't know where I was going to look for Toni, or where to even start. But I did know I wanted to find out what my brother has been up to and why he hasn't told me anything about it.

I made sure to dress warm and to bring my pocket knife with me, just in case I ran into any trouble. My mother never wanted me to keep it, but Two-Bit gifted it to me and told me to always keep it on me just in case.

Hopefully I would find Toni before dinner started at the Curtis household. I wouldn't want anyone to worry, especially Soda. Even though I really want to avoid him out of embarrassment and wanting to distance myself from him, I still care about him.

I really wanted to go over to Bucks to find Dallas and interrogate him about my brothers whereabouts. But I know he won't tell me shit.

I decided to just head over to the park and maybe I'll figure out where to go by the time i'm there. I know Johnny spends a lot of time over there, and maybe he's seen Toni. It makes me sad to know Johnny sleeps there. He knows he can stay at the Curtis house, but I think he feels like a burden if he does it too much.

The outside air is chilly, and the light breeze doesn't make it any better. For a summer night you would think it would be a little warmer, but it's not.

By the time I make it to the park, I realize that Johnny isn't there at all. Just when I do need him here he happens not to be here, how selfish of me.

I sigh defeated, only realizing that i'm not going to make any progress finding my brother tonight. One of the boys could know, but they're probably all at the Curtis house, and if I go over to ask they're not going to let me leave again to continue my search, at least not by myself.

     I wonder where Toni has been, and why he's been missing so much lately. It's not like him at all. He used to spend so much time with all of us, especially me. And it seems as the days go on, I see him less and less. I guess it's a twin thing to be so connected to one person.

I'm not planning on giving up so easily, I've already built up all the motivation and courage to look for Toni and it would be just a waste to give up.

I know it's probably not the best idea, but I continue my walk to the park in the next neighborhood over. I know Two-Bit would lose his shit if he found out that I'm going over there by myself. But it's the only thing I can think of, if he's doing something bad it would have to be at that park, especially if it's where he's far from home and he wants no one to find him.

The idea that Soc's are the good guys and Greasers are the bad is such a load of bullshit. There's good and bad everywhere. We have good too on this side of town, but it doesn't mean that we don't have bad as well. There's some kids here who have it so bad at home it shows on their character, and they're way worse than Dally. And I really hope that Toni didn't get entangled with those type of kids. The group and I aren't the best of people, but we all care for each other and have each other's back. Some of these greasers don't give a shit about anyone, there no better than most soc's.

It's about a fifteen minute drive from this park to the next, so the walk is about an hour. If I want to make it back without anyone questioning what i've been up to by myself, I have to hurry and it's about 6 o'clock right now.

Toni's well being is so much more important to me than how much trouble I get into and I don't think me being a little late will hurt anybody.

When I arrive at the park there's different groups of people gathered around each other in different parts. This park stopped being a place for children and started becoming a place for trouble. I know I can mostly take care of myself, but being here by myself gives me the chills. The most I know is that as long as I don't upset anyone they won't bother me. Theres a group of men sitting at the picnic tables all smoking together and drinking. In the lawn there's people sleeping and bottles are scattered around them. I try to find Toni's face among all the strangers, but I have no luck.

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