Chapter thirty-three

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     The foreign substance that ran down my throat burned, making me want to gag. I squeezed my eyes shut out of disgust for the liquid.

       I honestly had no idea who would choose to do this for fun out of their own free will.

      "It's not that bad," Dally chuckled, watching me.

       "It's not great either," I gagged.

I would much rather prefer beer than whatever the hell Dally just gave me.

But whatever this was, was causing an effect on my mind and body a lot faster.

Dally's eyes were locked into mine, and he wasn't saying a word, it just looked like he was studying me.

He opened his mouth to say something, but instantly his eyes flicked to the side of me, and that instantly made his mouth close.

I didn't turn to look to see what got his attention, instead I watched as his jaw tightened and his mouth went into a straight line.

The hand that clasped my shoulder finally pulled me to look at the person who managed to irritate Dally.

"Hey Tori, sorry that I kept you waiting," Soda gleamed.

I smiled at Soda, I was happy that he was back, but it made me wonder, why did Dally have that look on his face when he saw him?

I turned my head back to notice that Dally left, so it was just me and Soda once again.

I felt all fuzzy from the shot that Dally gave me, but just enough to make me giggly.

"Dally give you a drink?" Soda asked, lifting up the shot glass that was in front of me.

I nodded my head at Soda, sheepishly.

"Don't over due it, Tori," Soda said a little worried.

"Don't worry, I won't," I reassured.

Oh but how wrong I was.

I was sitting between Pony and Johnny on the couch, Soda was playing pool with Steve, but I caught him every once in awhile, watching me, and that made my heart flutter.

He invited me to play, but from the look on Steve's face I could tell that he was bugged by it, and I think i've gotten in the middle of their bromance enough. Besides Two finally passed out and was taken to Dally's room, so he was finally a free man.

Dallas was somewhere drinking with Buck, but that was all I knew about his whereabouts.

"This is nothing like I thought it was going to be," Pony sighed next to me.

Johnny chuckled to Pony's response next to me, shaking his head, "I told you they weren't that much fun."

I think Pony would have more fun if they actually let him partake in the Party, but instead they forced him to just watch from the sidelines.

I gasped when I felt a cold liquid come into contact with my legs, but turning to look over, it was more so on Pony than on me.

"Sorry, kid," the girl who spilt her drink all over us chuckled.

She stumbled away giggling like nothing even happened.

"Just a bunch of drunk girls everywhere," Pony mumbled. He was staring down at his lap.

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