Chapter thirty-nine

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      My first shift wasn't all that bad, but then again it was only my first day and I know Ally was just giving me easy tasks to start off with, but she was sure making sure that I was perfecting every little thing, no matter how small it was. It was also slow at the diner so then again, I didn't know how hard Ally would have really pushed me.

      That boy in the corner stayed for quite awhile, but as soon as my shift came to an end he just disappeared, and it was alarming that I didn't even see him leave, especially since there wasn't that commotion going on to distract me.

       I didn't know that I would be staying for the whole day, I honestly thought that I would just be here for a couple of hours, but I guess my shifts were about six hours. I've never had a job before, and I had no idea how any of this worked, I was also the first out of my siblings to get a job.

      Well an official job at least, whatever Toni had going on doesn't count, that was just him being a criminal, literally nothing more.

      "How was your first day?" Ally chirped, while wiping down the counter.

      "Not that bad," I shrugged.

      Ally smirked at me, "Just wait until the week goes on, things start picking up."

      I let out a sigh, I really didn't know how I was going to juggle school and work, but I was going to have to figure it out. With my situation, there couldn't be no 'what', 'but' or 'ifs'. I had no choice but to shift my life over.

      "I think your boyfriend is here," Ally smirked, skipping away.

     My heart skipped a beat when she said that, but at the same time it still felt heavy.

     "Hey, T."

      I twirled around to find Soda leaning on the counter. He was still in his DX uniform, meaning that he probably just got off of work as well. That, or he just really enjoyed wearing that old thing.

      "Hey, Soda," I smiled, "What are you doing here?"

      "I came to get you," he yawned, "I do just work a little ways down the road anyways, besides, i'm not going to let you walk alone, especially in the dark."

      I smiled at Soda's thoughtfulness, "I'm almost done, I just have to double check a few things with Ally and then we can go."

      Soda leaned his head on his hand, obviously not caring about what I said at all, "You look mighty cute in that uniform."

      I blushed at his comment, but my cheeks started getting hotter when I noticed that he was looking me up and down, and there was certain glint in his eyes that I couldn't exactly read.

      I was trying to get out a thank you but I was stuttering so much that it just sounded like a bunch of jumbled sounds.

      "You're blushing, Tori," Soda sneered.

      "Shut up," I mumbled, quickly walking away. And why I was trying to rub the blush off of my cheeks, I couldn't tell you where I thought that work.

      I don't know how many times he was going to tease me about me blushing because of something he said or did, but it sure was starting to become a routine.

      I made my way to the locker rooms just after asking Ally if it was okay to leave, I quickly changed, not looking to be in this place any longer, especially since I knew that I was going to spend a lot of time here in the future, but at least I got the weekends off, that was the only bright side.

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