Chapter nineteen

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I convinced Soda to drive me to my house instead of taking me all the way to the Curtis house just to be walked back home in the rain. I didn't feel like getting soaking wet, nor did I want to spend another night at the Curtis house. Don't get me wrong they're all great to be around but sometimes I just need some personal space, and I don't have any personal stuff at the Curtis house.

I'm getting tired of using the boys shampoo and wearing Pony's and Soda's clothes.

Luckily for Toni, my mother didn't really notice anything to unusual about him because of her work schedule, she works all night and sleeps all day. It would probably help if Two got a job to help with the bills, but I think it's going to take awhile for him to get his act straightened up. On the other hand Toni is acting weird and i'm too worried about him acting weird. So I guess all of us are useless in that sense at the moment.

"Just tell Two to call me when you see him please, I bet he's going to be annoyed that he can't watch me like a hawk anymore." I told Soda as I was getting ready to get down from his truck.

"Sure, Tori," He smiled, "I was going to ask, me and the boys are going to go out to the diner tomorrow night, you wanna join us?"

I gave him a sarcastic look, "Why wouldn't I? I have nothing else better to do."

He chuckled at my response, "I think Johnny was saying something about Dally going to, I bet Toni is going to be there, you can talk to him then."

"That's if he even wants to," I grimaced.

"I'm sure he will," Soda said, trying to reassure me.

I shrugged my shoulders at him in response, "I think i'm going to try and take your advice and worry about myself tonight, and then i'll worry about Toni later."

"That's probably best, T."

Soda pulled me in for a hug and we said our goodbyes, of course him being the gentleman he is, he wanted to walk me to the door but I told him not to worry about it considering that it's pouring outside so he just waited until I got into the house safely.

I got soaking wet in a matter of a few seconds just walking from the truck to my porch. My shoes were full of mud so I had to take them off before continuing on to the rest of the house.

I made sure to clean up the mess that I had brought in and right after I hopped into the shower and it felt so nice to use my own shampoo and smell like myself again rather than the Curtis brothers.

By the time I got out of the shower it was completely dark outside, it was only the evening so it should have been brighter out but the clouds covered the only sunlight that was left.

Two-bit still hadn't called me yet, so I figured that he was okay with me staying home alone and wasn't worried about me running off to Toni. Not like I would really want to right now considering the hurricane that was happening outside right now.

I was picking up my room a little bit before heading into bed when I came across the paper that Eric had left me with his number on it.

Right now would be the perfect time to call him, I was alone, no one was coming home for awhile, and well- I was alone.

I pondered for a while, staring at the number that I held between my fingers, and I felt as I had two looming shadows over me telling me two different things.

One was saying not to do it, that if I did I wasn't going to like what I was about to hear and that only trouble would follow.

The other one though felt like it was suffocating me, telling me to call and to do it now that I had the chance, and if I didn't there would be no chance at saving anything.

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