chapter ten

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Tori's P

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Tori's P.O.V.

"Well look who decided they wanted to come around," Pony joked.

Of course his nose was in a book, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was reading this book for a second time.

I watched as Toni walked up to Pony to pull the book out of his hand to hit him over the head with it.

"Hey man, cut it out!" Pony shouted. Toni was cracking up laughing as he watched Pony struggle to fight for his book back.

"C'mon kid, do you do anything else besides read?" Toni joked dodging Pony's attempts to grab the book back from out of his hands.

"Where have you been Tori?"

I looked to the side of me to find Soda leaning against the door frame.

"You know, here and there, there and here, everywhere," I smirked.

"Very funny," Soda answered sarcastically.

"Oh yeah she's just full of jokes," Two-bit added while passing by.

Poor Keith, I know when i've stressed him out because he stops joking around and becomes so serious. He likes to comment how Toni and I joke around too much, but where does he think we learned it from? In all honesty, it just pisses him off when he's trying to scold us and we don't take him seriously.

Soda kept his eyes on me giving me a soft smile, "I was worried about you, Tori."

"Yeah, i've heard that a lot tonight," I sighed.

Soda chuckled, "well it's not like you to just disappear, usually Toni does that."

"Yeah, i've heard that one too," I mumbled.

The whole reason I did what I did tonight was because of Toni, maybe if he would stop disappearing, I wouldn't have to start.

"I saved you a plate of food," Soda stated.

"Thanks, Soda." I answered giving him a smile.

Usually I'm more comfortable around Soda, but ever since he told me what he did at the DX earlier, I feel a little weird. I know it was probably obvious on my feelings for him, but in the back of my head I didn't want it to be true. I feel like if I even tried to have something with Soda, something would happen where it would ruin everything. No romance, no friendship, nothing. I would rather have a part of Soda than all of him and risk losing everything.

As much as it would make me happy, I don't want Soda to return my feelings. I don't want to get his hopes up just put our whole relationship at risk.

But I don't know how much longer I can try to push mine and Soda's feelings away for each other.

The more pressure you put on a glass bottle, the more it's bound to break, and the cracks are already traveling.

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