Chapter 54

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As soon as Taehyung's funeral was over I marched straight back to my room. I couldn't bare to be around anyone longer than I needed to.

Through the whole ceremony I stayed close to Jisoo, holding each other as we cried listening to Mr Kim give a speech about his son. I pretty much zoned out of the whole thing and forced myself to be numb, well as numb as I could be for times I managed to stop crying.

I had to apologise to Taehyungs family for not being around, I felt guilty for hiding away in my room but I just wanted to be alone and they understood that. As Mrs Kim told me, we all grieve in our own ways and hiding away in my shared room, hugging Taehyung's t-shirts was the way of myself coping.

But since I crawled up on my bed, curled up with a baggy beige tshirt that Taehyung wore a lot, I couldn't help but think of something that was.....strange at the funeral.

At one point I became distracted by the way a particular person was staring at me from across Taehyung's casket as it was lowered into the ground. Those dark eyes, staring back at me with something I've only ever seen in Taehyung's eyes. He's one of my friends and as far as I know, he's never looked at me like that before.

In fact come to think of it, he stared at me through the whole thing. As if he wanted to come over and offer me comfort but he didn't. Possibly he was conflicted but out of everyone he's the only one that kept distance. Except for the day Taehyung died in my arms and he just killed the rogue who I now know as Sehun. He stayed by my side and cried with me. Since then I haven't seen him apart from today.

His behaviour is way off.

Come to think of it, he left the funeral early.

And that pissed me off.

It did then and it still does now.

With a huff of annoyance I pulled the beige t-shirt over my head which fell down to my knees, I jumped up from the bed. Stomped out my bedroom, and charged down the hallway to where I know his room is. According to Jisoo she told me through the door two days ago that all of our group of friends have taken up rooms with in my house so I wouldn't be fully alone in an empty house. So if everyone else is here somewhere, he will be too and he always sleeps in the same room.

Like a woman on a mission I sped down the hallway, determined to find out why the hell he left the funeral of his best friend so early, I even walked straight passed Jin on the way. Ignoring his calls when he was asking me what I was doing or how I was. I can apologise later, I have other things going on right now.

I didn't even knock on the door but slammed open the door, stepped inside and closed it back again with another loud slam.

I found the person I was looking for standing in the middle of the bedroom, just staring back at me blankly like he already knew I was on my way. Maybe he heard Jin speak to me?

Raising a brow at him, at first I only stared at him, hands on my hips angrily. Tapping my foot.

I wish I could rage at him right now, voice raised and shout my anger at him but I can't. It was even shocking enough that I managed to tell Taehyung I loved him before he passed away and even then it was a struggle. I don't even know if I could speak again.

"Look Y/n, I know you're here because I-"

He stopped mid sentence when I started to angrily sign at him. I don't give a fuck if he understood that fast but he just watched my hands move fast through my raging rant. Telling him how disappointed I was that he left Taehyung's funeral so early and that he didn't even come over to say hello. Or the fact that everyone but him have either come to the door to try and get me to open up or even slid a note under my door to just let me know that they're there to speak to if I change my mind but not him. Not even once and that for some reason hurt my feelings majorly.

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