Chapter 1

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Rise and shine to start the day. I always loved this time of year, the sun comes out shining bright but there's always the gush of wind here and there to keep you cool and the leaves start to turn their yellow colour, it's really nice.

I like to get ready for the school day bright and early, doing my morning routine and preparing myself for the school day. It's my last year of high school. I'm nervous this year as my big brother Jack, yes he has an English name. He had graduated last year so this would be my first time going to school without him but luckily I'm not bullied or nothing at school just a few whispers here and there about my disability but I've ignored it for so long I don't actually know what they say about me anymore.

But at least I'm not going completely alone by friend jisoo always walks to school with me and back. She doesn't feel comfortable in leaving my side when I leave the house and my parents worry about me too but still knowing as well as I do that no one in this pack has made me feel any less.

Already to start the day I happily skip to the kitchen for breakfast. My mother was already placing breakfast out on the table while my father sat ready the local pack paper and my brother stuffing things into his bag in a rush. He actually has a interview working in the community office that work along side the alpha on real matters and problems. It's a big deal in our family because we are the only human family to ever live in the werewolf community ever. I asked once about the story of how that came to be but my father simply told me I wasn't ready to know the story yet but hopefully I do one day.

"Good morning dear." Mother

I use my fingers to sign back to her, just to say good morning. She smiles and waves me closer to the table.

I'm not deaf, I just can't talk. It's like I never had a voice, when I was a toddler I should of been talking but for some odd reason just nothing came out so I use sign language with my family and close friend, my only friend and when I go out I make sure to have a white board with me to communicate with others since sign language isn't really taught here.

"How's my beautiful daughter on this beautiful day?" Father

He places the newspaper down to look at me with all smiles, leaning back in his chair. I sign him back to say I feel really good about today and that I'm excited yet nervous about going back to school without jack.

"You'll be just fine without me y/n." Jack

He must of seen me sign. He comes up behind me and hugs me.

"You'll do great don't worry too much. By the way have you seen my lucky pen? I can't find it anywhere." Jack

He pulled back to scratch the top of his head. Of course I know where it is. I sign him to say he left it on my desk last night when he was writing down a list of things for me to do if I start to panic. I get really bad panic attacks sometimes when I'm overwhelmed or having a bad day with the fact I'm mute. I do have my bad days sometimes.

"Oh what would I do without you." Jack

He rustled my hair that I had neatly brushed and ran up the stairs to my room. I rolled my eyes and smiled to take a seat the table to enjoy some breakfast, I was starving.

Jack soon enough came running back down, staring his goodbyes and off he went to his interview. He didn't have time to chat or he was going to set a bad example by being late to the interview.

"What time is jisoo coming? Aren't you both walking to school together?" Mother

She now too took a seat with a cup of tea in her hands. I nod at her and sign that she should be here any minute now and then in que the doorbell rang. I dropped my peace of toast on my plate and sprinted to the door and ripped it open but not literally I'm not strong enough for that.

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