Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning still in taehyung's arms, just like I had when I fell asleep. He looked so peaceful sleeping and I swear there was a small smile on his lips as he slept. It had been years since I had woken up next to him, we use to cuddle together when we had sleepovers.

There was movement next to us, coming from the next seat. Jisoo popped her head up, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Morning." Jisoo

I smiled at her, and tired to move but I couldn't move. I think Taehyung subconsciously had me held tight to him like a teddy bear. I then sign to her saying good morning but also asking for her help to get out of Taehyung's grasp. She nodded at me, and stood up and to come closer to me, reaching for my hands to pull me up. His hands around me tightened for a moment and a brief thought shot through my mind, what if he doesn't let me go and then wakes up himself?

I internally panic at that thought and beg with my eyes for Jisoo to pull harder. She understood and pulled harder to were a sleeping Taehyung had no choice but to let go. He lowly growled at the lose of contact in his sleep once Jisoo succeeded to pull me away. We both stared down at the sleeping boy in the seat, confused why he would even do such a thing.

"Weird." Jisoo

She whispers and I nod at her to agree. He was acting weird, maybe he'll be back to normal when he wakes up sober.

"Let's go get breakfast." Jisoo

She tugs on my arm but I stop her to tell her I needed the bathroom first then I would meet her in the kitchen.

"Okay, I'll see you there then." Jisoo

We both left the theatre room together, leaving Taehyung to sleep in the laid out seat and both when our separate ways, I went to the nearest bathroom two doors away. I really needed a pee so that's what I did and of course washing my hands and then my face to wake myself up a little more. After doing all that I left the bathroom to walk past the theatre room again to make it to the kitchen for breakfast.

Walking into the kitchen Jisoo's mom was already there, she was currently washing some dishes but there was already some pancakes set out on the table. Jisoo was already serving herself some and putting some more on a separate plate. I skipped over to her to sit next to her, taking a drink of water for my dry throat, I always get one in the morning.

"Good morning Y/n." Jisoo's mom

I smiled up at her across the kitchen and waved at her. She chuckled and looked back down at her dishes in the sink. I nudged Jisoo with my elbow and when she looked up at me I asked her if her mom made the pancakes. She nods at me to say yes so I ask her if she could tell her I said thank you for the pancakes.

"Mom! Y/n says thank you for the pancakes!" Jisoo

She said casually and then takes a sip of her own water before taking a big bite of her pancake.

"Your welcome Y/n. I just thought you would like a after birthday breakfast." Jisoo's mom

She's so nice. I shook my head at her and waved my hands. She didn't need to do that.

"It's really no bother Y/n. I hope you slept okay last night. Jisoo tells me Taehyung joined you both last night." Jisoo

I hope she didn't tell her that he was cuddling me all night. I instinctively go to grab my chest like I would do for my board but I didn't have it. It must be in my bag and forgot to put it on this morning. I tap Jisoo again and sign to tell her mom that I slept okay but I also crept in the question if she told her mom about Taehyung cuddling me. She eyes her mom first then back to me and then back to her mom.

"Mom, Y/n said that she slept well last night and thank you for asking." Jisoo

Her mom nods and now dries her hands with a small towel to then turn her back to us. Jisoo leans in closer to whisper.

"Don't worry I didn't tell her about that. Just that he was drunk last night and decided to join us. It's okay." Jisoo

I trusted her words and nodded, turning my attention back to he pancakes on my plate. I do like pancakes, especially home made pancakes in the morning. I munched away on them, filling my empty stomach with delight, they were light and fluffy just the way I like them. A groan from the doorway interrupted my pancake delight.

"Morning everyone."

Taehyung pops up from the doorway with his hand running through his hair. He didn't look so good.

"Taehyung, you said you weren't going to be drinking last night, what happened?" Jisoo's mom

He wiped his face with his hands and slowly dragged his feet to the table, to take a seat next to me. I tried to remain calm at the action, butterflies in my stomach.

"I don't know. I don't even remember how I got into the theatre room?" Taehyung

"Oh I can answer that! You barged into the room last night and refused to leave!" Jisoo

"Why would I do that?" Taehyung

He picked up a glass of water that was next to mine and took a sip. His mom walked over with another plate of pancakes and some tablets which I assume is for his headache.

"I don't know you didn't say." Jisoo

She and I both know he didn't want to leave last night because he said he wanted to stay with me but obviously he doesn't remember that so my best guess would be that he won't remember cuddling me last night.

"Good morning everyone."

Jisoo and Taehyung's dad now walks into the kitchen. He placed a kiss on his wife's cheek while he grabbed a empty cup off the draining rack to then walk over to the coffee machine. Taehyung all of a sudden started sniffing the air again like he did last night, but his head was drifting towards me. I just slightly turned to the side more to Jisoo and face away from him but he came closer and closer. I froze when I felt his nose brush past my hair. What the hell is he doing?

Why does he keep sniffing me?


His dad shouted across from the kitchen. I flinched with the alpha voice and Taehyungs arm flung out in front of me, shielding me as we both sat next to each other. I just kept my eyes on Jisoo's wide ones, not knowing what to do. Why was he shielding me?

"My office now!" Jisoo's dad

Footsteps walked around the kitchen until they left the kitchen area and faded down the hallway. Taehyung's arms slowly moved away until he was moved away from me completely.


He whispered in my ear and he left the kitchen to follow his dad to his office for some reason. Once I known he had left I relaxed a little, so did Jisoo as her eyes returned back to normal.

"Hey Y/n how about we go for a swim in the pool before I take you home?" Jisoo

I nod at her and take another drink of water. I was finished eating so I picked up my plate and took it to the sink. I washed it of course but I could feel Jisoo's moms eyes on me the whole time, leaning on the counter behind me. I chose to ignore the stare but when I was done with the dish I turned around to smile at her, she only smiled back at me until Jisoo pulled me away to go to her room to change into our swimming out fits. I always keep a spare here in her room for when we go swimming.

This morning was so weird, including last night and that's all because of Taehyung with his weird actions to me in the last ten hours or so. Hopefully swimming will keep my mind of him.

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