Chapter 15

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Being outdoors for a class project isn't that bad. We've been set into groups and it just so happens that I'm in a group with Taehyung and Jungkook and also yeri.

Both Yeri and Taehyung haven't spoken to one another and she ignores me when I try to have an interaction with her but I gave up after a while.

I still couldn't help but feel bad for her but with her attitude she's making it very hard to feel that way. She even gives attitude to Jungkook who has done nothing but be polite and try to include her but shes been having none of it. So in the end the three of us just stay to ourselves since she doesn't seem to be bothered.

Our project was very simple and easy. We had to go into the woods behind the school and take pictures of the surrounding leaves, trees and flowers and as well as wildlife so we could write and do a presentation on what we find and the information on how these things benefit our wildlife surroundings.

Our teacher gave us a camera and Jungkook was in charge of it so that was okay since he was the one taking the most interest in the project where as I was just enjoying being out of class for a change. The day was nice weather wise too so it was perfect.

As usual when we go out and about now Taehyung has glued himself to me which could be why Yeri doesn't want to talk to me and I have tried to say to Taehyung to give some space but he doesn't care, he told me he doesn't trust Yeri for some reason he wouldn't tell me.

Though I did get a little space from him eventually when Jungkook was showing him a bunny in the distance and they were trying to get closer to it to get a better picture for Jungkook to take so we can go back to class with all our pictures. The bunny would actually be the first animal we've seen other than a bird in a tree so the boys were determined to get the picture so they went into wolf mode but in their human forms, fully concentrated on not startling the bunny.

I could laugh at them but no I cant laugh out loud. I decided to hang back in case I was loud since I don't have the skills to stay that quiet.

Walking along the forest trees I was admiring the greenery of the trees above and I loved to listen to the birds sing but when I wasn't looking where I was going I tripped over a stone, almost falling face forward but I managed to catch myself. When I looked at the rock I found it quite pretty, its smooth surface and grey complexion. Just give it a clean and it would pretty enough to paint on. A secret hobby I like to do, I have a collection in my room.

I wiped off some of the dry dirt, moving away any leaves and other things surrounding it and managed to pull it out the ground, to wipe off more dirt and lucky of me it wasn't too big for it to not fit in my pocket. With a wide smile on my face I put it in my pocket, already trying to think of ideas on what colours or picture I could decorate the rock this time.

The thought went flying out my mind though when someone pushed me hard from behind me forcing me to fall to the floor this time with a thud, landing in the dirt. I groan silently as I landed on my arm in bent in the wrong way and on my side that had the rock in my pocket that now pushed into me with the force of falling to the floor. I was lucky I didn't bang my head or that would of knocked me out for sure. The push was hard so who ever it was much stronger than I was.

"Bitch!! Keep fucking walking!"

I was taken back at Yeri pushing me and even so much as to yell at me and call me such names when I have been nothing but nice to her. I don't get what her problem with me is, she's never likes me from day one.

A loud growl erupted from the trees, almost shaking the earth beneath me and the leave above to fall from the sound waves of the voice. I'm sure even people at the school would of heard it.

"YERI!!! DONT TOUCH HER!!" Taehyung

He comes running over and pushes Yeri away from me, but she didn't fall instead she caught herself to only take at least three steps back. Taehyungs back was to me, his shoulders heaving up and down an his fists balled up.

"Why?! She does nothing but yet she gets everything!!! She's fucking useless human that holds no value to this pack!!" Yeri

She screams back at him, tears running down her face when all I can think is what her problem is with me, is it because I'm human or something?

A pair of hands grabbed me gently around me shoulders to pull me up to my feet and helped to dust off the dirt on my clothes.

"Are you okay Y/n?" Jungkook

I nodded and weakly smiled at him but he grabbed my sore arm and I could help but wince at the pain . Jungkook immediately with drew his hand holding his hands up in surrender in worry that he hurt me but it wasn't his fault, it when I fell.

I glances at Taehyung who was looking over his shoulder at me glaring at my arm but then quickly whipped his head back around to Yeri with his hands on his hips.

"You hurt her?! Why?? Just stay away from her!!" Taehyung

Yeri grins and challengingly steps forwards.

"Or what Taehyung, what could you possibly do?" Yeri

Taehyung took a deep breath and again also took one step closer to her, almost as if they were touching chest to chest. Yeris grin was slowly fading the longer she stared up at Taehyungs face. I could see his face, but I could imagine for her as a wolf to see an future alpha get mad was not a good thing, if not scary to see.

"You wouldn't want to find out Yeri. Now I've already told you what you need to know and let me make it clear for you, this human.." Taehyung

He slightly turns his body without looking back, to then point at me behind him with Jungkook, keeping me close to his side. Then he turns back to fully face Yeri again and point I'm guessing at his chest.

"Is mine. You got that? She may be human but she's MINE. My human, understand that? So you so much as touch her again, I will personally see to it you never will touch her again. This is my last and final warning." Taehyung

Yeris tears were constantly falling down her puffy cheeks, with a quivered lip and pained expression as she stared into Taehyungs eyes. I would feel sorry for her but she just purposely pushed me all for what? Nothing. I didn't even provoke her, I was minding my own business.

Taehyung turns around to walk towards me and Jungkook, his eyes constantly flickering between their brown or red colour.

"But Taehyung I lo-" Yeri

She was cut off with another growl from Taehyung and he spins around to face her.

"No!! Don't talk to me!! Just fuck off if this how you're going to be!!" Taehyung

He turns around to me, storming over as if he were done with the conversation and quickly picks me up in his arms, bridal style and then takes off running without so much as a word to anyone else, but with Jungkook running after us leaving Yeri behind.

Taehyung ran all the way back to the school and took me to see the nurse since I hurt my arm and hip from the rock. This was not how I expected our time outside to be, it was very unexpected.

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