Chapter 29

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The warmth that swarms my body relaxes me in my sleep until I pull myself out of my subconscious to shift a little on the comfortable surface that my body lays down on. But I could tell by the position of my body that I was on my side, pressing up against something that was the cause of the warmth that makes me feel content in my slowly waking self.

I didn't want to wake up just yet but in the end I fluttered my eyes open slowly and thankfully where ever I may be was dimmed lighted so my eyes didn't have to adjust to much. When my eyes fully open I'm greeted to the sight of the very person my heart beats for every time I look at him. Taehyung.

He was smiling down on me fondly, his eyes twinkle at the sight of my gazing up into his own eyes that bore into mine.

"Well good evening Y/n." Taehyung

I furrowed by brows in confusion. It's evening?

"Yes, babe, it's evening. You've been out of it pretty much all day." Taehyung

He chuckles just before placing a soft kiss on my forehead just below my hair line. I couldn't help but think I was out of it all day. I mean what happened to me was more intense than the last time which worries me greatly but when I think back to how it happened I couldn't help but remember Hoseok. I hope I didn't scare him too much?

"Y/n, Hoseok is fine. Obviously he was freaked out since he couldn't do anything to help you as we all were but trust me that boy is fine. It's you I'm worried about." Taehyung

He pulls me closer to his chest, my cheek pressed against his black tshirt and his arms firmly around my shoulders, keeping me close to him and as if he didn't want to let go. I couldn't stop the smile on my face just to feel how close he is. I'm still amazed that I'm his mate, like growing up with a crush on him and now to find out that I'm his mate is just unreal to me and to know that soon enough we would be mated is a whole other story.

"I'm just so relieved that you're okay. It looked more painful this time." Taehyung

His large hand rubbed soothing circles around my shoulder, but at what he said I cant disagree with that. It felt more painful than last time and I think that he lasted longer too?

"I wished I could take the pain away for you. I wish that this didn't happen to you." Taehyung

Again something that I agree with but I now know this time what it means with each time that I do this. The more frequent I scream I guess the more closer death is to come, when ever that may be. I grew more worried and scared just thinking about it and I could feel Taehyungs whole body tense up in front of me. His chest muscles contracting but he shuffles back and takes my face in his hands to gaze again into my eyes.

"I told you Y/n no one is going to die." Taehyung

I just passed him a sadden look because he knows as well as I do that what he says is not true no matter what he does or tries to do. There's nothing you can do to stop fate and everything inside me is telling me as the days go on that danger is approaching soon but I don't know when.

"No on in this pack is going to die and I'll need to be alpha to take over to prevent that. You know this and so do I. I can stop this from any death coming to this pack." Taehyung

I internally sigh at his stubbornness and denial. He cant stop this and his annoyance in understanding what I was thinking was getting him all riled up and he lets out a heavy sigh, removing his hands from my face and slowly drag them down his face and rolls over to his back, creating a distance away from me on what I can now notice to be his bed.

"Y/n you have so little faith in me that it's starting to piss me off." Taehyung

I sat up shocked at his confession. He's pissing me off? How about he's starting to annoy me that he cant except facts that someone sooner or later is going to die? But no he's going to be all stubborn thinking that he can beat death, if he really thinks that then he's sadly mistaken.

Taehyungs red eyes flicked to me so fast that I flinched and to be honest it started to worry me with the dark scary look he was giving me right now as he lays down on his back.

"You forget Y/n I know everything you are thinking about. I can beat this and I will beat this with or with out your help." Taehyung

He starts to sit up dangerously slow but not without moving his gaze from mine, keeping intense eye contact with me. I shook my head at him with an stern look myself. Now he's acting childish, there's no way he can beat fate and being alpha is not going to change that either, it's facts.

Although the minute I think that his eyes widen in shock but then quickly changes back to an angered look that I've seen once before but that was directed towards Yeri last time but this moment right here it's like a clear warning to watch what I think about next.

"You really think I'm THAT weak that I can't protect my own people? The same people that gave your family a home all these years and yet you act so unbothered about it? I'm trying to think of something that could prevent anyone from dying and while I'm still breathing no one is going to die no matter what you think about it Y/n." Taehyung

I didn't think of any response to that but to blankly stare at him. I'm offended how he thinks I don't care about someone dying, that hurts that he thinks that low of me but what he says next caught me completely off guard.

"Maybe I should do this alone and become alpha with out a mate? It's not like you could do much as luna anyway with being a mute so I might as well continue without you." Taehyung

Where the fuck did that come from?

But by the look on his face the moment he stopped talking his eyes widen and his eyes changed back to their original brown. He open and closed his mouth at first while I stared back at him in shock and yet hurt. How could he speak to me like that and throw my insecurities at me in such a hateful way? All because he can't except the truth of what is to happen?

He reached out for my hand to which I yanked away from him and climbed off the bed to stand in the middle of the room, between the bed and the bedroom door. I really wanted to leave but he also quickly followed my movements and got up from the bed also to stand up but I held my hand up to stop him coming any closer.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said, it was just my anger getting the best of me. I swear I didn't mean it." Taehyung

The pleading in his eyes almost had be accept what he said but the hurt in my heart prevented me from forgiving that easy. I shook my head at him with a disappointed look and thumped my fist at my chest to signal to him how his words have hurt me there. He caught on to what I meant nodding with a quivering lip now resulting him to resemble a puppy.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. I-I....Please don't leave me.....I'm so sorry." Taehyung

Again I shook my head and stepped back but his pleading teary eyes widen when he sees me heading towards the door but I jumped away from him when he tried to desperately grab me to prevent me leaving the room. Opening the door I look back at him and expressed with myself that if he truly thinks that then maybe we shouldn't be together then.

The second I thought of that clear as day, tears fell down my cheeks as well as his own as he collapses to his knees, hands over his heart but I took the chance to run out the bedroom and out the house and thankfully he didn't follow me. As much as the sight of him falling to his knees broke me even more, I wouldn't let myself to stay and hug him until he felt better. His words cut deep and for now I just want to go home and be alone.

Everything was perfect and now it's just ruined again.

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