Chapter 38

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This is it. Todays the day Taehyung and I officially become bonded to one another as true destined mates. To say I'm a nervous wreck this morning would be the wrong words to use even if that's exactly how I'm feeling right now. I cant shake it but I know that Taehyung is nervous too and scared just like I am because he revealed that to me last night but that doesn't mean that we don't want to go through with this. I do, god I do more than anything but my mom says this is normal and I believe her.

This morning as soon as I got up has been busy. I was woken up with Jisoo as my alarm this morning stating there was so much to get done before this evening when the moon comes out and that's when the ceremony will take place. We have a whole day but I was rudely pulled out my bed by my best friend and told to get a shower and what not which I did in my own time may I add which only annoyed the friend of mine and she even threatened to come in the bathroom to interrupt me if I didn't come out in time but I did so there was no need.

The some people came in to do my hair and make up. I personally thought it was too early for that but apparently no, it wasn't too early for that and I had my hair and makeup done. Make up was done first and then hair right after. My mom had my dress already laid on my bed ready for me once I was done but Jisoo insisted that I get my nails done too. I didn't think I needed to get them done but she insisted so I just got them done to pass the time and it wasn't that bad actually.

While my mom and Jisoo were with me during this pampering time they also received the same treatment and we were soon joined by Taehyungs mom too for a short time but she had to leave to do some more arrangements. Just seeing how busy that woman is reminds me that I too would be doing everything she does right now, but I'll be doing it in the future and that's just even more nerve wrecking but at the same time it may not be too bad once I get use to it.

Taehyung will be there to help me anyway.

Just like I'll be there to help him when I fully learn of my luna duties, it may not be so bad to be working with husband.

Oh god. Husband.

That's going to be something I'll have to get use to and I've not even finished school yet.

Just after my nails were done all I had to get done now was to put on my dress. It wasn't anything big, just something simple yet still white. It had to be white to symbolise purity. And I'm most defiantly pure....for the rest of the day I guess. We'll have to see what happens tonight.

My mom started to ball like a baby already and then begin to whine about her make up being ruined. My dad came in to see me after I got my dress on and ready for the ceremony and he became emotional too and my dad isn't a very emotional man but I'm his only daughter and the first out of myself and Jack to get married or committed in anyway.

What surprised me was that when we were getting ready to leave since this whole day of getting ready flew by, was that my brother Jack wanted to speak to me quickly before we left. He gently pulled me to the side to sit in the living room on the couch and kept my hands in his.

"Y/n I just wanted to take his moment just to tell you that I love you. I may not be around a lot but you'll always have me. If he breaks your heart in anyway I swear I'll kill him with my own two hands and that's a promise." Jack

I laughed internally and yet nodded but couldn't help but feel those tears brim to my eyes. Jack isn't an emotional guy either like my dad so to hear him say this as my older brother meant a lot to me.

"It just sucks you have to move out and leave me all alone with thing one and thing two. Its going to be a nightmare without you here." Jack

I playfully slapped his arm and he let out a laugh but glanced over my shoulder to see someone behind me. I turned around to also see what he was looking at and it seems it was my mom and Jisoo. Both standing there in a hurry to get going while my dad just causally stands by the door waiting patiently and pretty much minding his own business like always.

"Jack we really need to get Y/n to the pack square. She cant be late." Mom

Jack sighed and pulled me up to stand with him and together we left the house together, hand in hand like we use to as kids one last time before I become a devoted woman.

Now it's time.


Since I've been dressed for the last two hours, I cant stop pacing with nerves and I don't care if anyone can see me like this. It's only my friends here with me and they're all set and ready to go too.

We have to wait in the living room until my dad comes to tell us its time to go. I cant wait any longer, I nervous and yet excited. I'll be mated with Y/n and I honestly cant wait. I want to see her, to see what dress she'll be wearing but that's not the main reason, she could appear in a black bag for all I care and still be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"Taehyung stop pacing for goddess sake you're giving me a headache!" Jin

"No. Guys what if she doesn't show up? What if she changes her mind?"

I stopped pacing to look at every one of my friends that laughed at me or gave me a look of disbelief. Jimin jumped up from the couch and came over to me and pulled me in for a side hug but my mind was too occupied to really cooperate and hug him back.

"Just calm down Tae. She'll show up. Just breathe." Jimin

He looked in to my eyes and breathed with me. Slowly but surely after taking some deep breaths with him I calmed down but only just a little.

"Come on Tae, this is Y/n we're talking about. She'll be there." Yoongi

I nodded and took the glass of water that Hoseok just passed to me to help me calm my nerves. Maybe alcohol would be better?

"Not to mention you have your first night together and we all know what happens with couples on the first night if you know what I mean?" Jungkook

Jungkook smirked towards me, wiggling his brows at me mischievous but I just rolled my eyes and passed Hoseok the empty glass after drinking it all.

"That's' not exactly what I'm thinking about right now but that's for the reminder Jungkook."

He only saluted at me but Jin nudged him in the chest with his elbow and shook his head at me. I glanced over to Namjoon glued to his phone standing in the corner to the room. I know he's texting my sister but I don't know what about. In fact he would know if Y/n was going to be there or not, he's been texting Jisoo all day even if they don't have to. They can mind link but some how decided to text instead.

"Hey Namjo-"

I stopped mid sentence when I heard the front door of thr house open and my dads scent brushed passed my nose. I ran to him, not caring about the guys and ran into his arms for my dad to catch me by the door.

"Dad please tell me she's showing up? She hasn't backed out?"

I was pleading from him to tell me, to ease my pain of not knowing. My dad only laughed and nodded just to let me go by the arms.

"Yes she's still going and she's on her way so we better all get going now." Dad

"Great! Let's go!"

I grabbed my dad my the sleeve and dragged him back out the house. I could hear my friends laughing behind me as they followed out the house as well as my Dads but I didn't care. I wanted to see my Y/n, my mate that I'll forever be committed to as the love of my life and light to my darkness.

She's everything that I will ever need in this world and I'm about to commit everything I have to her for as long as I shall live.

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