Chapter 40

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After the ceremony which was beautiful by the way, we came to this little cabin that was purposely for times like this. The first night as a mates pair but this cabin is for alphas and their lunas only. I've been told by Jisoo it's only been used a handful of times by their mom and dad but it's been years.

This little get away gives everyone time back at Taehyungs house, which is the main pack house the alpha must live, time to set it up, meaning by redecorate and his parents move out into a smaller house just down a footpath away which isn't too far. We'll still see them on a regular basis.

Now that you could say we're wed it was just Taehyung and I now, alone in their cabin. I could tell he was just as nervous as I was, to one point his hand that held mine was shaking. It was rather cute really since back at the ceremony he was all big and mighty, only to turn into a little puppy back at this cabin now that we're alone.

I showered first and changed into a white night gown but Jisoo picked out my lingerie to wear underneath. Very Lacy and almost completely see through in some parts but I was comfortable enough to wear. It's a weird thought that my now husbands sister picked out my underwear for him to do me in but yet I had to admit she had good taste.

Although he didn't notice anything when we passed paths. I left the bathroom and he entered but I can't help that maybe think he did. He took one look at me and then quick sped passed me to the bathroom, his eyes were bulging out his head until he shut the door behind him.

So maybe he did notice?

That thought alone made me giggle to myself, in my mind of course but he would know that since he can practically read my mind in his strange way even if there's no words.

So here I was now, sitting in bed, back against the headboard just fiddling with my fingers in this quiet room. I mean I could turn on the tv but I chose not to. A little bit of quietness would be right for me in this moment in time. Just to think about things while trying to calm my nerves. I know the tv could help with that but I decided against it.

Several minutes passed in silence and the bathroom door finally clicked open and in walked Taehyung. Shirtless and only wearing his boxer shorts. I've seen him dressed like that before and it never really bothered me but to see him like this again tonight, made me all the more nervous and he knew this. I could tell by uneasy smile he gave me as he sat beside me on the bed, pulling up the sheets over his legs but to sit up right next to me on the bed, his own back against the headboard.

"So tonight was fun right?" Taehyung

I nodded, a smile coming upon my face thinking about the pack party that came after the ceremony. Lot's of food, drinks and there was dancing. So much dancing but it was so much fun. Although one of our friends was a little down in the dumps tonight but I forced him to dance with me instead of sulking in the corner. Actually come to think about it, if I wasn't dancing with Taehyung I was with him but I didn't mind we had fun.

"I'm surprised you didn't have any alcohol tonight." Taehyung

I shook my head, thinking of how I didn't want any. Even if Jisoo was trying to persuade me have some, calm the nerves and all that but no, I wanted a clear mind and remember all of this. I'm actually more surprised that Taehyung didn't drink any.

"I didn't want any either. Just not in the mood for it." Taehyung

I could laugh at his attempt for small talk. Smiling widely, I placed my hand on his thigh just expressing how amused I am at this small talk stuff when he knows I can't directly speak about. Taehyung however of course knew I found this amusing and yet stared wide eyed at me, somewhat of an offended look upon his face.

"Hey! I told you I'm nervous about this. It may not be my first time but it is with you and I've been told by others it's different when it's your mate." Taehyung

Cupping his rosy cheeks I forced him to look at me in the eyes, pressing our foreheads together just to express how much I love him. He closed his eyes, his hand reaching out for me just to rest on my waist and he pulled me closer.

"I love you too." Taehyung

That was when I made the first move, kissing him lightly on the lips. My hands slowly reaching around his head to the back grabbing at his hair but he kissed me back, pressing his lips more harder against mine and even his grip around my waist tightened. Neither one of us pulled apart and instead it became more and more heated by the second. I could hear his grumbling from his throat, pulling me onto his lap my legs now to straddle his body and his hands to drop to my thighs and slowly move up under my night gown but to stop when he felt the lace of my underwear.

"Woah, you actually want to do this now? We can do this another time, no rush." Taehyung

I only chuckled in my mind, and leaned back in to kiss him my hands to slowly drag down his bare torso and stop by his boxer shorts. Then I thought of something and let go of his boxer shorts, pulling back from our shared kiss and pulled off my night gown over my head and tossed it to the floor somewhere in the room.

His eyes grew wide again, eyes scanning my body covered in white lace bra and panties to match but was more like a thong since they barely covered my ass cheeks. I gave him a minute, smirking at him as I watched him lustfully admire my body in front of him. Then a smirk appeared upon his lips, red eyes now glowing brightly.

"I knew it. I fucking knew it." Taehyung

Then just like that he pushed me over, to lay on my back and pin me to the bed all the while I laughed silently to his action and again he attacked my lips with his own, possessively growling.

"Tonight I'll make sure you know just how much I love you. Every...Part....Of.....You." Taehyung

He spoke every word after he kissed down my body from my neck to my stomach and stopping to hook a finger under my panties and then pull them down, another growl coming from him, licking his lips as he admires my womanhood. He pushed my legs further apart, his eyes never leaving from my special place.

"Beautiful and it's all mine." Taehyung

I blushed and tried my hardest not to cover my face with my hands because of embarrassment. No one has ever seen me this bare, not ever.

"Tell me Y/n. Do you want me to continue? Just say the word and I'll do anything." Taehyung

I stared up into his red eyes, they were soft yet the red crimson colour was gentle and yet made me feel secure. Every emotion he had towards me was flowing out of him right now and I couldn't help but admire that in him. I knew I could trust this man with my life.

"Make love to me Taehyung."

I spoke in my mind, like I always do with my own conversation. Never breaking eye contact with him, he grinned. As if he heard my words directly, he nodded and hovered above me. His hands on either side of my head, lowering himself to where our noses touched.

"Then I shall make love to you my little mute mate." Taehyung

Then just like that, the small gap between us was closed when he placed a gentle kiss on my lips with his own soft ones. This is the night we finally bond and become one as a true mated couple.

He's my alpha and I'm his mute mate.

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