Chapter 5

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I like days like these. It's warm and the wind is still. The birds can be heard singing in the trees or how they fly by.

On a day like this I like to come to a spit by the lake after school. The routine is to go home after school and then gather my drawing equipment and then off to the lake to meet jisoo even though I don't get much time drawing when jisoo is around. I come here by myself sometimes too, not only to draw but also to just sit in nature and enjoy the view. It's relaxing in my opinion.

Placing my things on the picnic table but not fully taking everything out in case jisoo unexpectedly arrives early. I sit down in place and start a little sketch on a blank notepad. I was drawing a tree that was nearby, the way it was shaped intrigued me so I lightly sketched half the tree, doing some shading too.

"What you drawing?"

I had a heart attack at the voice in my ear. Feeling like I could of die I placed a hand over my heart taking deep breaths. I turn to my left to see who it was and he was the last person I was expecting to be sitting with me right now. Kim taehyung.

I was gonna be friendly with him, I no reason to be mean to him and ignore him. I smile at him as he took a seat next to me looking down at the notepad and then back at me which his own heart warming smile.

I then pointed at the pad and then the tree in front of us. He head went back and forth until he understood what I meant.

"That tree? Your drawing that tree?" taehyung

I nod at him and place my pencil down.

"Oh you don't have to stop just because I'm here. I can watch you if you don't mind unless you still get embarrassed with being watched." Taehyung

I nod and bite my lip a little. It's true I stil don't like being watched while I draw I feel as though people will judge me for it.

"You don't need to be embarrassed about your drawings Y/n. You've always been very good doing stuff like that." Taehyung

I smiled at him again and wanted to thank him but I have no idea if he even remembers some sign language. So to ask him I took out a separate piece of paper and starting scribbling down questions to ask him. My first question was if he remembered any signs.

He looked down at the paper with my question, he frowned a little bit but then met my eyes again, with a little smile, removing his previous frown.

"Some, I remember some but not as much I use to. I'm sorry." Taehyung

He whimpered a little, like a puppy, biting his lower lip, gazing down to the floor. He looked quite sad but I dint want him to be sad. I wrote on the paper again just to tell him it's honestly okay and that I can easily teach him some to refresh his memory if he wanted to.

I tapped him on the arm and gestured for him to read what I wrote. His eyes lit upon, reading my words and nods, giggling. I've always loved it when he does that, he hasn't changed.

"I would really like that Y/n, thank you." Taehyung

I nod at him and decided maybe we could talk some more, it's been a while since me and him have had  much interaction with one another. Thinking of things to ask, I write away while he watches, leaning very close to my face. I didn't mind the closeness since he did cuddle me on the night of my birthday, which reminds me does he remember, so I decided to ask him that with the paper.

He shook his head.

"No I don't remember what happened just before I left my friends house. Why? Do you know how I ended up in the theatre room?" Taehyung

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