Chapter 4

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~Taehyung POV~

I have no idea why my dad wants to speak with me in his office, better yet why I would throw my arm in front of Y/n the way I did. I can't make sense of it.

I followed my dad to his office and he quickly took his seat behind his desk. This office would one day be mine so to see him sitting there reminds me of the fact that, it will soon be me, with Yeri by my side, but saying that too also doesn't sound good to me anymore. My wolf howls in my head even to the thought of Yeri being my future Luna.

"Take a seat Taehyung I think we have some things to discuss." Dad

I took a seat as he asked and he only sat back in his chair to stare back at me with a blank look.

"Dad, what's going on? Why do you want to talk to me?"

He sighed and now sat up, leaning on his elbow that were placed on his desk.

"Taehyung when you look at Y/n what do you feel?" Dad

What has that got to do with anything?

"Huh? Why do you ask me something like that? Y/n is Jisoo's friend."

He nods at me.

"Yes but she use to be your best friend too until you faded away from her. Now when you saw her this morning how did she make you feel?" Dad

My wolf rages at me for distancing myself from Y/n when we were kids. It's like he doesn't agree with my decision then but back then my wolf didn't say much, in fact he disappeared on my for a while. I recalled this morning, walking into the kitchen. It was different for sure but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Actually dad, to be honest I smelled her before I even got to the kitchen."

My dad leans back again still with a blank expression. I have no idea what this man is thinking.

"What did she smell like to you?" Dad

"Well before yesterday she always smelled like vanilla. Jisoo told me that's because of the shampoo she uses but now, this morning she smelt like, Jasmine and......honey."

I look up to the corner of the room, remembering that sweet smell, I love it. It's addicting and I felt a need for of it, but I also felt some sort of possession towards it, towards Y/n. When my dad shouted every part of my body sent vibrates through out myself to say I must protect her with every bit of me. No one is aloud to touch her but me, or speak to her but me, except my sister but that still feels as though that's pushing it. She's all mine, mine, MINE!

I gasp out loud to the sudden words surrounding my head to now look at my dad who has the widest smile I've ever seen him have.

"She's my mate!!! Really?!"

I exclaimed and my dad just chuckled at me.

"Did he catch on?"

My mom now comes into the room, closing the door behind her.

"He did and I think it's now just sinking in that after all these months he finally found her." Dad

"It makes sense though. Her birthday was last night and remember the way they were when they were little? Not to mention his wolf disappeared on him." Mom

She comes over to the desk and taking up the seat next to mine, smiling at me.

"So that would be why he disappeared because he didn't like that I left her. He was sulking?"

She nods and takes her hands in mine.

"Yes Taehyung. Your wolf may not of known about it but he defiantly would of felt a bond there. Now it all makes sense." Mom

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