Chapter 48- Love and Celebration

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Waking up with Gilbert was the best thing in the world, Anne thought, as she watched him sleep in the morning light. He had the soft expression of a little boy. His head was resting against her shoulder as his arms encircled her female waist. His breath tickled Anne's neck, but it didn't bother her, for she loved having him like this, sharing with her an intimacy that Anne could only imagine in her imagination.

It was so comforting to feel loved by Gilbert, even now that he was lost in his dreams, she could feel the connection that existed between them, and it was so easy to surrender to this feeling that lifted her spirit into a state of grace.

Gilbert had given her the best night of her life. He had been caring, tender, and passionate, and in his hands she had known a passion she had never thought possible. He had loved her as if she were the most delicate flower in his garden, and Anne had discovered that there were a thousand ways to feel part of someone. Anne had given herself to him with absolute trust, and at no time regretted it, and wanted to keep in her memory box that perfect, special moment when she and Gilbert became one heart and soul.

She got up slowly so as not to wake Gilbert, and  slowly stretching all her limbs. She went to the window and looked out where the winter chill had not yet left the local vegetation. Although Anne was averse to such low temperatures, she could not ignore how beautiful it was to see the snow adorning the treetops. They seemed immortalized by droplets of ice as if they were a painting out of a photo album.

Anne looked away from the landscape in front of her, and her eyes landed on Gilbert again. His  male beauty was enhanced by the immaculately white sheets, and this sight had a powerful impact on Anne. She was tempted to return to his company in bed, but thought it best not to, as she risked spending the rest of the day in that room where Gilbert's presence was so powerful and seductive. It was time to leave the world of magic in which she had been involved since last night and return to real life.

The girl grabbed a clean towel from the closet, and stepped into the shower. The hot water massaged all her muscles, bringing life to each of her nerve endings that were numb from the cold. Then she turned off the shower, dried herself with the towel, giving special attention to her hair, put on a robe over the cotton shirt she had borrowed from Mary's closet again, and went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

She was feeling so good and happy that she began to hum a song she had learned at the orphanage as a child. This was one of the few pleasant memories she had of that place. Music lessons were held once a week by the local minister, and Anne loved these moments, because she could let her imagination travel wherever it chose, lulled by songs that brought a certain encouragement to the red-headed, scrawny orphan who hid in the shadows of her misfortunes so as not to be noticed or disturbed by some wicked soul that like her lived within those four walls.

Anne remembered Minister Jules. He was a kind man, with a gentle voice, e when he spoke    he had the power to calm the most rebellious or tortured spirit. He always worked with songs that spoke of a merciful God with the world of men, and Anne almost always felt comforted by his sweet words. Mnister Jules had been one of the people responsible for Anne holding on to the hope that one day things would get better and she would find a home to call her own. And now looking at everything at had happened to her up to that point, Anne could say that she had found her place.

She was just finishing preparing a pancake for Gilbert when he hugged her around the waist and said, stuck his body to hers:

- I woke up missing my girlfriend next to me in my bed. - His husky voice sent shivers down her skin, and by the time he nibbled on her neck where her vein pulsed, Anne had completely melted. Then he continued his tour of her skin, as if he were touching it for the first time. She moaned softly when he pulled her still bath-damp hair away from the nape of her neck, and played with his tongue in her right ear.

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