Part 10- Distracted

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It was spring at last! The gray sky was giving way to a radiant sun and colors everywhere. Marilla's garden was magnificent, as there were several varieties of roses that besides being fragrant left the front of the house more cheerful and beautiful.

Anne loved springtime, she felt as free as if she could float, she left her heavy winter clothes aside to wear lighter and more elegant dresses. That morning, for example, she wore a sleeveless white dress with blue frills, and on her head she wore a white hat that matched the dress, leaving her little figure more elongated and graceful. She stopped at a bed of red roses smelled the perfume and thought: "What a wonderful aroma!" Then she remembered the time, she didn't want to be late for school, so she said goodbye to Marilla:

- Marilla, I'm going to school.

- All right, Anne. I'll wait for you for the four o'clock tea," Marilla .answered.

So Anne set out on her way to school, but she was careful to change her route, because she didn't want to meet Gilbert, which would inevitably happen if she made her way through the forest. In a flash his image came to her head, and she immediately tried to erase it from her mind. It had been weeks since she had spoken to him, although she saw him every day in class. Gilbert had promised that he would give her time to think and keep it, but that didn't stop Anne from feeling his presence at every moment. He wouldn't go near her, but his eyes wouldn't let go of her, they would follow her everywhere, and Anne didn't know if she was happy or bothered by it, but she avoided any contact anyway, because even far away Gilbert took her calm.

She found Diana in the schoolyard and her friend was radiant.

- What happiness is all this, Diana?

- I spoke to Jerry yesterday, and he invited me for an ice cream.

- And how was that? Did you have fun? Anne wanted to know.

- Yes, we had a great time. We agreed to go out again this weekend," Diana said, all cheerful.

- And what does your mother think of all this?

- She doesn't know yet. I've decided I won't tell her yet. You know how she is. She's always boring me with her talk of society and her insistence on taking me to Paris. - Diana rolled her eyes.

- I'm glad you and Jerry are getting along, but watch out for your mother and Josie. - Anne whispered softly in Diana's ear

At that moment, magically Josie appeared with Ruby as if she was her shoulder strap, and said:

- And then, redhead. What's the gossip of the day?

- Who says we're gossiping?" Anne said, getting ready to argue with the blonde. "What an insufferable girl!"

- When you and Diana get together it's gossip for sure. - said Josie laughing.

- I wonder if you're not talking about yourself," Anne asked with fake innocence.

- What do you mean?" Josie asked.

- I mean the only gossip around here is you. - Anne answered, giving signs that she was beginning to stress with the girl.

- I don't gossip, redhead. I only tell what people don't have the guts to talk about.

- Raise a point, that's what you mean. - Anne spoke in anger.

- You're really a hothead, huh, redhead. - Josie said teasing Anne.

- Will you stop calling me a redhead, my name is Anne.

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