Chapter 56 - sharing dreams

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Anne looked at the opal on her finger and smiled. As much as she had wished, and often dreamed, she could never have imagined it would be like this. She was engaged to Gilbert and could hardly believe it. He said he wanted her for a wife, and she toyed with the idea in her head. Anne Shirley Cuthbert Blythe sounded so good to her, and she wanted to shout her happiness to the whole world.

She knew that Gilbert had asked for her hand in betrothal so that she would not forget what they meant to each other, and even when he was in New York, Gilbert wished to make her remember that that commitment he had made was for life. He had promised her that they would marry as soon as he graduated, and Anne understood that it would be a while before Gilbert became a doctor, but she didn't mind waiting, because it would give them more time to mature before they became husband and wife, and there was so much Anne didn't know about being a wife, and she wanted to be the best in the world for Gilbert, because he deserved to have a perfect wife.

When she had said this to Gilbert he had replied that for him Anne was already perfect, and she didn't need to change anything. In fact, Anne didn't want to change anything, she just wanted to improve her skills in various areas, and to do this she would have to rely on Marilla to help her, since Diana was not there to come to her rescue. Maybe she could ask Josie to help her with a few things, like putting together her trousseau, since the girl had been groomed from childhood to be a wife, and Anne had no idea where to start.

Anne thought about the orphanage, and remembered one of the nuns saying that Anne was so unattractive that she would never find a man who liked her enough to want to marry her, and for a long time, Anne had also thought so influenced by such words, but thanks to Gilbert this had all changed, and she would love to show the nuns that they were wrong, and that Anne was not only very loved, but would also marry one of the most desirable boys in Avonlea. She then dismissed such an idea, she didn't need to prove anything to anyone, the person she was was enough for her and she had always kept the essence of herself within herself.

But for her marriage to go as she imagined it would, she needed to prepare herself very well, and for this reason she went to see Marilla that afternoon.

- What do you mean you and Gilbert got engaged," Marilla seemed more angry than surprised.

- It was a surprise for me too, she asked for my hand yesterday. - Anne explained, but even so, Marilla was still upset.

- I'm very happy that Gilbert has made a serious commitment to you, but what I can't understand is why he kept his real intentions from us.

- Marilla, he wanted it to be a surprise for me, besides, traditions like this are already outdated nowadays, nobody follows them to the letter anymore. All the more so, because we're not getting married now, and by then Gilbert and I will be of age.

- I know all that, Anne Shirley, but I won't give up an engagement party, no matter how simple. Matthew and I haven't had any children, as you know, so ever since you and Gilbert started dating I've been thinking about it a lot, and I was planning to have your engagement party in Green Gables, even though the engagement won't become official for a few years. And I'm sure Matthew shares my opinion. So Anne, don't deny us this pleasure.

Anne looked at Marilla, and realized that this was really important to her, and thought how much the good lady and Matthew had sacrificed to give Anne a home, so the little redhead couldn't refuse this request.

-Okay, Marilla, I'll talk to Gilbert about it. But I'll give you permission right now to schedule the engagement party for whenever you like.

- Thank you, Anne. I'll start the preparations right away. What do you say we have the party next weekend?- Marilla smiled expectantly at him.

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