Part 33 - Soul mirrors

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The farm was quiet those days, for Bash and Mary had travelled on their honeymoon, so Gilbert was alone at home. In a way, it pleased him. He enjoyed Sebastian's company, but at that moment all he wanted was to have that time with himself, for he needed to find out which way he would go after Anne had rejected his request to stay with him.

He hadn't given up, that was out of the question, he just needed a new plan of action, for the old one had failed miserably. Perhaps he had been too hasty, showing Anne his feelings so openly that he had frightened her. He needed to find a new way of being around without imposing his presence and his feelings on her, so in the days that followed he had tried to be as neutral as possible so that Anne would not drive him away for good.

It was not an easy task to remain a selfless friend. He had tried not to look at her during class, treating her as if she were an ordinary colleague, had not approached her at any time, leaving her free to talk to him whenever and if she wanted.

He saw her around laughing, having fun with her friends, but at some moments he was sure she was looking for him, when she pretended to look at the whole room, in an attempt to make him not realize who she was really looking for. In these moments his heart rejoiced, and encouraged him even more to continue with his decision to win her over for good.

The only problem was that the further away she seemed, the more tempting she became to his eyes. He hadn't stopped loving her even an inch, and he had no illusions that his love for her would diminish over time, he was resigned to feeling that way the rest of his life, even though he was too young to be so convinced of the feeling he carried within himself.

Gilbert was never the kind of boy who would throw himself headlong into things or situations that didn't offer him any kind of security. He didn't remember ever falling in love with anyone, though he always knew how to admire a pretty face and play his charm when he had a chance, after all he was quite the son of his father who in his youth had been quite a flirt, but when he met his mother he had been struck by a fulminating passion, and the same had happened to Gilbert when he first saw Anne.

At first, she had seemed just like a naughty, cheeky girl, but in time he realized how wrong he was. Anne had a unique personality, and her intelligence shone in the background of her blue eyes. I could talk to her about anything, because she was never bored or bored. She had a natural curiosity for things, and was not like other girls who spent their time talking about trousseaus, embroidery, or the latest fashionable dress.

She possessed unassuming vanity and that was what attracted him the most. Anne was beautiful on the outside and inside, even if she herself did not believe that anyone could find her beautiful. She was also hardheaded, annoying at times, complicated, but when had he escaped a good challenge? He liked her the way she was, no disguises or tricks, and his only goal now was to make her believe it.

For this reason, when Miss Stacy had talked about the play they were staging, he had decided to participate. Although he greatly appreciated the seventh art, he did not consider himself a good actor, preferring only to be a spectator or to work backstage, where he thought he would be more useful than on stage. But since he knew Anne loved this kind of event, he had applied without really expecting the lead role to be his. It was a nice surprise when Miss Stacy announced that he would be Romeo, but when he heard that Ruby would be Juliet, his enthusiasm had diminished considerably. He had very much hoped that Anne would be the protagonist along with him, so he could have her closer to him with the excuse that such closeness would happen because of the play, but that had not happened. Now all that was left for him to do was to try to play that role as best he could, even if Ruby wasn't the partner he wanted.

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