Chapter 60- Garden of delights

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Seventeen years old. An important age Anne thought, as she got ready to go to Gilbert's house.

It was her birthday, and they would celebrate with a simple gathering at Gilbert's house. Anne didn't want a party, and the gathering was Mary's idea, and she didn't think it was fair to let such a significant date pass her by. Anne had agreed just to please her. She really just wanted to spend that day quietly in Gilbert's company, because she already felt so blessed by all the things she had that she didn't dare wish for anything else, so a party seemed too much when Gilbert suggested it, and she preferred to accept Mary's proposal.

She had promised that she would serve only some refreshments and snacks, but the cake she would bake herself, and the additional guests would be Diana and Jerry, Muddy and Josie.

Anne remembered when she had arrived in Avonlea with only a tiny suitcase in her hands, where she carried her few belongings, having only her fertile imagination and her unshakable optimism as company.

As she got off at the only station in town, and then saw the train that had brought her there leave, Anne had no idea what her future would be, and now, so much time later, she could hardly believe everything she had achieved.

She looked in the mirror, searching for some trace of that dreamy girl eager to be accepted, to make friends and have a family, but the girl who returned her gaze was nothing like the one from before.

There was a security in her face that showed exactly who she was now. The childish features were gone, and had given way to a graceful face where even the numerous freckles that dotted her fair skin gave her a more mature look. Her blue eyes shone with a precocious wisdom, which increased as she accumulated new experiences in her life, and her smile was that of a woman in love. She owed this detail to Gilbert. She never tired of thinking about him or being with him. It was as if it had always been this way. While she had dreamed of having a house, loving parents, and maybe a garden, she hadn't even dared to imagine that she would get a love as a bonus, and now she admitted that without it her existence wouldn't have been as beautiful. Gilbert was like a breath of life, a gentle breeze, a sweet sunset. Her dreams of him were all romantic, and knowing that he would always be around filled her with happiness. They both had so much to live for and to accomplish, and Anne wanted it all with Gilbert. She wished they could get married, have children, and be happy. Sometimes she thought about it so much that she dreamed of all the things they would do together, and she knew instinctively that she would never accept less than what she already had. She had fought for her space, and fought even harder for that love, she had turned her back on many things, given up many things, on several occasions had to swallow her own pride, cry bitter tears, let her heart bleed, to reach the end of that journey with her hands so full of hope and victorious, because of that, that love and that life were rightfully hers, and no one could ever take them away from her.

She smoothed her hair, which she had only put a tiara in to give it a more youthful look, and smoothed the pleats of the skirt of the new dress she was wearing that night. The light blue organza fabric had been a gift from Matthew, and Marilla had copied the pattern from a French fashion magazine, which came to her every month in the mail, and it looked perfect on Anne. She had also won a pearl necklace from Diana that she was also wearing that evening, a personalized card from Jerry, a delicate bracelet from Josie, and a pair of earrings from Muddy. Only Gilbert had not yet given her her gift. He had said it would be a surprise and he would give it to her that evening. Anne had been curious, but had not asked Gilbert many questions about it. He was already a gift to her, and she needed nothing more than Gilbert's love, and that, she knew, was hers alone.

- Anne, are you ready? - it was Marilla's voice calling impatiently.

- I'm coming, Marilla.

As Matthew came down the stairs, he looked at her in amazement, as if only at that moment he realized how much Anne had grown over the past year.

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