Part 3- Two hearts and one beat

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It was a glorious morning, despite the freezing winter air the sun was shining brightly, but not even all that beauty seemed to cheer Anne up, for she had had a bad night's sleep, full of nightmares from the time she lived in the orphanage,and she was sure they had been caused by Gilbert Blythe's unexpected return,and Anne instinctively knew that her astral hell would begin again. That stupid boy had managed in a single day with his presence alone to irritate her more than anyone else.

Her gaze was drawn at this moment by a dress left on his bed by Marilla probably, it was graceful full of ribbons like the girls at school wore, the only problem it was pink. Didn't Marilla know that pink and red didn't match? How many times had Anne said that, and why did Marilla never listen to her? She ran downstairs in her shirt and her speech trampling on the words:

- Marilla, what dress is this?

- Good morning to you too, Anne. You seem to have forgotten your manners this morning. I made you the new dress you've been begging me for several weeks, I even copied the model Diana was wearing in church last Sunday and you filled my ears with so much praise. So I don't understand what the problem is now. - Marilla replied irritated at Anne's reaction.

- Marilla', the problem is the color. You know very well I don't look good in pink. Red and pink don't match. - Anne said, with her hands on her waist and extremely indignant.

- Anne Shirley Cuthbert, don't test my patience. Put that dress on right away and go to school, or you'll spend the next few years of your life wearing gray. Is that what you want?- Marilla said.

- But Marilla, I'll look ridiculous. I can't wear pink. - The girl cried.

- I don't want to hear another word about it. You have five minutes to get dressed, your coffee's waiting.

Anne took one last look at Marilla, but she knew it was no use arguing. She put on her dress, put on her winter black boots, fixed her hair and went down to the café. Marilla and Matthew talked quietly while Anne sat down at the table with them.

- Good morning, Anne, - the good gentleman said.

- Good morning, Matthew. - Anne answered without any cheer.

- What happened? it seems you woke up in a bad mood.

- Look at this dress, Matthew, and tell me what you see. - Anne answered.

- It's a very pretty dress. - Matthew answered.

- It's certainly a pretty dress, but the color is wrong.

- I don't see anything wrong with the color. - Matthew said.

- How can you not see? How many times do I have to say redheads and pink are not a good choice? I'd be happier if it was a turquoise blue. - Anne sighed.

- How silly, Anne. This color looks very well on you, and there's something else you have to consider. Marilla spent several days sewing the dress for you, at least you should feel grateful. - Matthew hardened his voice a little.

- I'm grateful, it's just that I expected it to be a different color. But that's okay, you can be happy, I'm not going to complain anymore.- she said that, finished her coffee and went to school.

Her day hadn't started well, first the nightmares, and now this dress, what was missing? She went to school looking like a few friends, and then Diana came to meet her.

Good morning, Anne. What a beautiful dress.

_ Good morning, Diana. You don't have to say that just to please me. Anne answered without looking Diana in the eye.

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