Ch.3 Rockin' Around The ᵇᵘʳⁿⁱⁿᵍ Tree

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(August 2, 2021)
(Edited: 12/25/23)


Ranboo was standing in front of a burning tree.

Luckily, the distance between it, the house, and the rest of the forest was great enough that there wouldn't be a forest fire the group would need to put out.

It also shouldn't catch the grass on fire due to there being a large patch of dirt around it. Also because of fire. Ranboo almost burned themself from trying to put that one out with water...

Technically it wasn't even their fault!


Okay maybe it was.

They remember the name of an item in their inventory so they went to find one of the others to ask them. Like a normal person obviously.

Purpled is currently mining, Tubbo looking for some materials they need, and they had no idea what Tommy was doing. Hopefully not teaching the children swear words.

They didn't want to test it to see what it did, since it was almost broken . He most definitely didn't want his test run to be that last time he uses it, therefore not having it as an example to ask one of the others what it was.

As the story goes, they ended up tripping and dropping it. It hit a nearby tree, and well, let's just say know he remembers what the item is called.

So now there's a burning tree in front of him, and he's staring at it regretting all of his life decisions.

"Damn what did the tree ever do to you?" Tommy pops up outta nowhere and walks towards them, eventually standing next to them staring at the burning tree as well.

"It made me trip and the flint & steal lit it on fire so the flint & steal must have a grudge against it considering the fact that it is now... y'know, burning?" Ranboo said almost entirely serious.

"You sure it wasn't fault?" Tommy teased, attempting and failing at hiding his laughter.

"It wasn't! I was going to find you or one of the others since I forgot what it was called, but... I guess I know now."

Tommy stopped trying to hide his laugh now, "i'll go get-" he got cut off by the sound of the fire crackling louder, signifying more things were burning.

They both turned around to see Purpled crouching in front of the fire, tossing out the extra stuff in his inventory that he doesn't need into the fire.

They then saw that Tubbo was also kneeling in front of the fire, only for a different reason.

"Tubbo what the fuck are you doing?" Tommy deadpanned, while Ranboo wordlessly joined Purpled in burning their extra stuff

"It's a sign!" Tubbo shouted, putting both his arms up in the air,

"No it's not Ranboob fucking tripped!" Tommy shouted back.

"ITS A SIGN." Tubbo insisted.

"Whatever," Tommy muttered, deciding to ignore whatever weird shit the goat hybrid was on about. Can't argue with crazy.

He then crouched next to Ranboo, who was next to Purpled, who was next to Tubbo, and decided to empty out his inventory as well. 'Cause why not?

Purpled sighed sadly like he was Y/N or something. Okay, I see you and those orbs."We need music or something, it's too quiet"

As if on cue Michael blasted music from a Radio that was on top of Shrouds back. Shroud currently being in Spider form

Where did they get that? Who fucking knows. Nobody knows what the actually fucking fuck is going on anymore. I sure as fuck don't. Ehem. Apologies.

'Rocking Around The Christmas Tree' blasted from the speaker atop Shrouds back. Perfect.

As if this was planned, they all grabbed hands and walked circles around the Burning Tree(TM). 'Cause that makes sense. Obviously.

It was a matter of time before they evolved to full on running around the tree, attempting not to go too close so they wouldn't get burnt. Though by the numerous spots that their clothes were on fire, they obviously didn't necessarily succeed.

The four of them belted the lyrics of the song, now put on loop, at the top of their lungs. They kept running around the tree until their legs got tired, and walking around it 'till it burned out in the dead of night.

They ended up falling asleep under the cover of the starry night. Shroud, the saint sent from Prime above, brought out blankets for them since they didn't want to go back inside.

That was the most fun they had in months.

It was... amazing.

Running away was, is, the best decision they'd made in months.

For once none of their sleeps were corrupted with nightmares. Only a peaceful sleep with light dreams that they were sure to forget in the morning.

Now isn't that something?

Thank you very much for reading this chapter

Have a wonderful rest of your day or night

Have a drink, eat something, you deserve it<3

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