Ch.24 Enderwalk

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Hello once again! First chapter in 2023 anyone?

"Mikey it's Tom, T-O-M, Tom. Not—"


"No!" Tommy shouted with a sigh, "Not you too Shroud," He said solemnly has he put his head in his hands over dramatically.

"Just leave it Toms," Tubbo said from behind him, holding back his laugh, shoulders shaking at the effort.

"Fu— alright, fine."

Tommy sighs before turning around to pick up Shroud who clings to him like a koala or— a spider. The day felt oddly peaceful, almost too peaceful. Tommy was just waiting for something to fuck it all up.

Something did in fact, fuck it all up. It started with an ender sound.

Tommy had just been wandering around the perimeter, gathering up some more supplies and scouting for any mobs when;


Tommy's ears perked up and he turned around sharply to locate the source of the sound, expecting it to be just any ol' Enderian, only, it wasn't.

When he turned around he made contact with a torso covered in a very familiar suit and tie. One claw as black as the night sky and another claw as white as the fluffy snow of the Tundra.

A smile began to grace his face at seeing the ender hybrid, "Hey Boo—" Tommy cut himself off when the distinct sound of an Enderian teleporting rung through the air and suddenly Ranboo was a lot closer, purple particles flitting about the air around them.

"Hey, what the fuck," Tommy was pulled into some sort of awkward hug while Ranboo made a series of ender noises. Tommy instinctually shied away from the unexpected touch. He went to look up at Ranboo, ready to shout at him in a dramatic show. Only a flash of purple, too bright to be particles, made itself known.

Despite himself, Tommy looked into Ranboo's eyes. His own eyes widening comically at what he saw, panic flooding into his veins. He was far too caught up in his own paranoia that he had barely realized Ranboo screeching, the noise sounding far too inhuman, before scratching at Tommy and teleporting away.

The pain barely even registered to him, not noticing it in the thoughts clouding his mind.

Ranboo's eyes...

They were purple. Fully purple like the average Enderian. Completely purple like he wasn't in control. Entirely purple like they were in a trance. Like someone else could see out of his eyes.

Tommy's eyes were as clouded as his mind that he hadn't heard the new voices, shouting his name.


"Tommy can you hear us?"

"Tommy fucking snap out of it!"


Tommy looked up to see Tubbo, Purpled and Boffy standing around him, having came out of the house at hearing the ruckus. Boffy left the trio to it, opting instead to walk around the perimeter in the forest, knowing that he couldn't help any more than they would.

"You good? You look like you need to shit," Purpled exclaimed in a bland tone of voice, only the worry was clearly weaved into it. Tubbo hit him in the arm.

"Tommy, you look like you fought an enderian without any armor or weapons," Tubbo pointed out, and well, he wasn't exactly wrong.

"They—" Tommy paused, trying to find the words to say, "Ranboo... ran off, they were— their eyes were purple," Tommy made eye contact with Tubbo at the end of his sentence, seeing the other boys eyes immediately widen in realization and worry.

Purpled looked between them in confusion, "The fuck does that mean?"

"It's nothing, it's fine," Tubbo says quickly, too quickly. Purpled narrows their eyes.

"What does it mean..." He says slower.

"Don't worry Purp, Ranboo got spooked, or something," Tommy mumbled, now looking at the floor.

"That's bullshit." Purpled spits, not buying their excuses whatsoever

Tommy's eyes snapped back up, making contact with Purpled's own narrowed ones, "Shut the fuck up yellowed, you don't know shit."

"I know enough. Enough to know that you're fucking terrified and you're only terrified when it has to do with-" Purpled suppresses a shiver, "With that place."

"It's just—" Tommy screamed with his mouth closed, frustrated at being unable to find the words, "When Ranboo Enderwalks-"

"Which is what's happening with him right now," Tubbo cut in abruptly. Tommy side-glanced him, he simply shrugged.

"So anyways, it means they're kind of lost in their instincts—" Tommy missed his wrist in a curled in a cage movement, this time Purpled cut him off.

Purpleds shoulders relaxed slightly, "So it's alright then?"

"But!" Tommy cut back in, the poorly hidden fear back in his eyes, "It also means that... he can see out of their eyes and send wordless instructions to their mind, but also since they aren't in the right mind they don't exactly know right from wrong."

Purpled shoulders dropped completely as he rambled, then tensed up much more than they had been before. "So that means..." They trailed off, but they all knew it.

That means Dream found them.

Everything was dark, they weren't sure what was happening or even what they had been doing last. That's alright though, it's fine with him.

Occasionally he'd hear a voice, but he could never decipher what it was saying. The voice always felt as though it was moving forwards, like it had more important places to be. More important people to hear it.

So nothing was really there to stop them from sinking into their thoughts.

Ranboo couldn't remember where they came from.

They'd look into the eyes of an Enderian, wondering if they were from the same place he was.

Once in a while, one of them would look as though they recognized Ranboo. They'd smile and wave and tell Ranboo about his parents, two mothers and a sibling who longed for Ranboo to come home, Ranboo didn't understand.

That's all they knew about their family and past. They had two mothers and sibling that are apparently pretty popular considering many Enderians seem to know them.

Once he arrived at the new server, Ranboo hasn't seen any Enderian that knew them.

Ranboo isn't sure where they come from, but they think it might be a server resembling the End, since the only Enderians that come up to them are Ender Enderians.

They wonder if all Enderians could go to different servers since all have the End, maybe it's because they can teleport.

They wanted to see their family, so bad, but then the sun would come up and the Enderians would be gone, Ranboo would never see the same one again.

What's odd is that even though they seem to know that Ranboo hasn't been home, they don't question them or try to get them to go back home, it doesn't even seem like their parents know where they are, nothing has changed each time Ranboo see's a new End Enderian.

A bittersweet feeling washes over him. It's as if the other Enderians he's met have the same memory issues as him.

A masked figure grinned behind the porcelain covering his face.

Oh the game has only just begun.

"You can't hide forever."


I got a bit annoyed at constantly saying "Enderian" but I had to commit...

Have a lovely day or night!

Take care of yourself of you'll get your tongue stuck on a frozen metal pole for eternity<3

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