Ch.19 Back In Business

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Sorry i didn't realize it had been this long-

"Alrighty shitheads, what're we doing today?" Tommy asked, looking around at the all too familiar group. Tubbo and Ranboo had some things to do and decided to take the kids with them. Boffy was doing- whatever Boffy does. Therefore leaving Tommy and the bay to their own doings.

Tommy blows a joke kiss towards Deo and laughs right after as if it were the funniest thing in the world. Deo takes it as a challenge.

"I say we cause a bit of chaos, although there's no one else to do it to, honey." Deo suggested, the last two words being overly accented and sarcastic, mocking people who said that to each other.

Tommy scrunched up his nose and fake-gagged in response, punching Deo in the shoulder (harder than he meant to). Deo burst into laughter at successfully getting Tommy riled up.

Tommy scoffed, rolling his eyes but brushed it off, not without a glare in Deo's direction. They knew it was all in good fun.

Tommy comically pulled out a pair of dark shades out of nowhere (likely from his inventory), putting them on as if he were in a spy movie.

"Right boys, let's go get ourselves killed." He said jokingly. Some didn't miss the way he every so slightly winced at the mention of dying, still not quite used to the infinite respawns (or literally not being able to perma-die).

They didn't mention it though and over-enthusiastically cheered at his statement as if it were the greatest speech in all of mojang.

Tommy bowed a few times. "Thank you, Thank you. I know, i'm amazing, make sure to come back- ladies-" He winked into the distance somewhere, "my next show is..." He made a show of looking at his wrist as if checking the time on a watch that wasn't there, "...never."

"WOO!" Bitzel cheered and clapped before realizing no one else was. "Oh are we not- doing that?" He said awkwardly, the others laughed.

"Anyways," Tommy threw off the loose button up he was wearing, revealing a black suit with a white collared shirt underneath (somehow still fitting him and in pristine condition. From enchantments possibly?) and a nice little fuck-off red colored tie.

Deo pushed a few buttons, changing him into his own suit, Luke was just always in his suit, and Bitzel looked around at the trio before running off the go put his own suit on.

"Where shall we go my friends?" Tommy asked. pulling up an admin panel with a list of public servers in the area.

"I say we go to your shitty old server and tear it down from the code to the land. Didn't Tubbo mention something about nukes." Luke suggested while standing on his toes so he could look over Tommy's shoulder to see the panel.

Tommy shuddered at the mention of the DSMP. "Yeah no, how about we don't."

Deo looked a luke before saying, "We could always go to a mob pvp arena and fight those rather than—" Deo got cut off, but not by one of the others. Everyone looked up at the sky when some sort of static-y thunder sounded loudly in the air.

"What the hell is that!?" Bitzel — who had apparently got back while they were suggesting servers — asked, referring to the sky which was now covered in multi-colored clouds and something that resembled an aurora borealis in the form of a swirl in the sky.

The clouds looked like they could've been rain clouds if it weren't for the lack of grey color. No, they were bright purples, blues, pinks and oranges. The swirl shaped aurora borealis thing was a bright neon green that it almost hurt to look at. Though they weren't able to look away.

The sights of the sky drew their eyes in as if it would be a crime if they looked away. It was almost as if they were entranced or hypnotized by the swirl in the sky.

Tommy pulled himself away from the sky's clutches first. He couldn't help but feel like it was familiar in a way.

He immediately noticed that his server panel was glitching and hissed as it burned him when he touched it. He bared it though and went to check on the server code for glitches or flaws, heart beating so loudly in his ears he was sure the others could hear it.

He gasped quietly —muttering a 'what the fuck' to himself, but couldn't hear his own voice over the drumming of his chest and the harsh wind in the air— when he saw the code.

It was in shambles, static buzzed through his fingers as the code constantly changes through multiple things. From different numbers, to unreadable symbols, jumbled up Ender, mixed around Enchantment, morse code - but not, then back to the normal numbers and letters that were definitely not the same as before. Then repeat.

Tommy's eyes flicked across the screens over and over again as if he wasn't quite processing what he was seeing.

He decided to check everything else with the server since the code didn't seem to be any different the longer he looked (aside from the constant changes) and the sky wasn't getting any clearer.

He looked at the player list next, making sure there's no new un-whitelisted players on the server that he wasn't aware of (that already happened with Eryn and he didn't want a repeat of it). Everything seemed in order aside from the occasion glitching screen until not only the screen was glitching, but the list.

A new player flickered in and out of the screen to fast for him to see the name but just enough that he knows it's happening. His first thought was fuckin' hell, seriously? not again. His second was a bit more panicked, you don't need to know what it was.

Next thing Tommy knew the panel in front of him was not only looking static but feeling static. All at once it felt as though he'd been struck by lightning (and he knew what that felt like, the scar was there to prove it) his vision went white then black, and he was no longer conscious.

Last think he heard was the shock of a recognizable voice that he hadn't heard in a while. Then, nothing.

have a good day/night :D

I might delete some of the 'chapters' that aren't apart of the story (ex- the Gender one) so if you commented on them i'm sorry but it'll be deleted (I still might not)

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