Ch.28 A Looming End

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"Hey Tommy, why did you never add any mods to the server?" Deo asked curiously.

"Yeah!" Tubbo agreed. "Imagine if we had guns! That'd be so cool."

"Please do not let Tubbo have a gun." Ranboo ran a hand down his face in despair.

"We should definitely let Tubbo have a gun." Bitzel countered with a grin. Tubbo cheered, high five-ing Bitzel.

Tommy huffed in faux annoyance. "Do you know how expensive mods are? Plus they take up a fuckin' annoying amount of an admins energy, it'd be such a hassle to deal with." He rolled his eyes.

"Since when did you care about that? You used to mess with mods all the time before."

"Well before I could spend Techno and Phils money that I would steal, they were rich as fuck during the whole Antarctic Empire thing."

"Now you can spend Ranboo's!"

"Huh??" Ranboo cut in. "Wait, wait no! We will not be spending Ranboo's money!" They yelled, referring to themself in the third person.

"Hm..." He thought about it for a moment, putting his hand on his chin. "Good idea Tubso!" He then shouted, hand up, pointer finger in the sky.

Tommy then pulled up a screen and started typing at incomprehensible speeds.

"Ran-man!" He called after a moment, Ranboo hummed in question, the sound holding a small amount of exasperation. Tommy clenched and unclenched his fist in Ranboo's direction.

Ranboo narrowed his eyes, "No." He asserted.

All of Tommy's movements stopped.

"No?" His head turned toward Ranboo's, the movement slow and eerie.

"" Ranboo tried again, much more unsure of himself with the blonde starting into his soul unblinkingly. Tommy's mouth turned down into a frown and he opened his eyes wider. Now he looked like he was going to cry. Fuck. Puppy eyes. Ranboo was doomed.

Ranboo tried to fight it, he really did. And he held off for a grand total of 30 seconds. Eventually a sigh left his lips and his money card materialized in his hand. He held it out for Tommy's still outstretched arm.

Tommy broke out into a grin and went back into typing. "Thanks!" He chirped. Ranboo sighed again, this time defeatedly.

A moment later, Tubbo had a machine gun in his hand.

Ranboo regrets everything.

Karl winces as he's pushed to the floor, a foot digging into his stomach and an axe held threateningly at his neck.

"Listen up Karl, I'm being quite generous right now, I would use it wisely. Now I'm gonna ask again. Where. Are. They?"

Karl's memory was foggy, he only knew who Dream was asking for by getting his confirmation. He knows where 'they' are, or he at least thinks he does, but he's almost positive he isn't supposed to tell anyone. He just doesn't know why.

His voice came out strained as he looked up at the masked man. "Look, man, I don't know what you want with them, but I really don't think—" He yelped as the boot on his stomach dug in harsher. Glass shattered next to his head and a wave of exhaustion fell over him. A weakness potion.

"Karl." The admin then reached down and tore at Karl's code, a strangled scream ripped from his throat. Karl grasped at his own being weakly. Defiantly. "I know it's in here somewhere, it's only a matter of if you want to make both of our lives easier by telling me. It's a two way deal, I don't have to do all the work, and you get out of here in one piece. How does that sound."

Heavy breathing was all that answered him. "Karl, focus now." He coaxed, "Where did they go?"

Karl shakily lifted his hand, middle finger in the air. The man in green chuckled darkly.

"Okay, I see how it's going to be."

Then his vision went white and his world was filled with pain.

Karl screamed.

Okay I know this is super short, but I left this fandom a while ago and it's been hard for me to update these since I have no interest in it anymore. I just don't want to leave you guys with a "discontinued."

Thank you for reading and sticking with me throughout this, have a phenomenal rest of your day or night.

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