Ch.4 Where Are They!?

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(August 3, 2021)
(Edited: 1/25/23)

"So, any new info on their location?" A pink haired man with a crown asked the man sitting across from him.

"No. Tommy's comm had been online 2 days ago, but that's it. XD won't give me any info, claiming that 'this is entertaining' or whatever" The other man with an off putting white smile mask responded in frustration, though trying to hide it.

"They must've ran away," A woman with strong ram horns curling delicately around fluffy hair suggested dejectedly. She was worried for the teens, they had been through so much and now missing!? Oh how cruel the world could be. But for their sake, she hoped they did run away.

"Puffy is right, the signs lead up to it; no signs of struggle and... hadn't they been acting sort of suspicious before they went missing?" Another with a regal air surrounding them and clothes suiting a monarch pointed out. Their dark sunglasses glinted in the evening light.

"Cowards.." Another man in a rust colored beanie and brown coat that most certainly never seen water and soap mumbled quietly. Honestly he was just annoyed that he was forced to be there, in that room with all the people either he hates, or hate him.

"Agreed," a man wearing odd retro 3D glasses muttered from next to the previous, being the only one close enough to hear him. He slouched back in his chair, honestly he didn't give a shit that they were gone, he was just upset he lost his business partner.

"So, no one has any other information? Nobody at all?" The man dressed in like green donning a porcelain mask exclaimed in annoyance.

"None of us know what happened, Dream" A man with a white bandana spoke defensively, though honestly. He was slightly concerned, but it really wasn't any of his business. He had been too caught up in his country and relationships.

Only, his statement is false, not that he's aware of that. Two people on the server do actually know where the four missing teens are. One out of these two not being in the room with the others due to the time.

The other is there, having received a note written by the blond child two days prior to this meeting. The woman with pink died hair had no understanding as to why they chose her of all people to write to. She does suppose she was grateful though, and hopes they stay safe, far, far away from the server.

The four who had fled could've given a note to the one person who never stopped caring. The mother figure and therapist, but they didn't, they didn't think they could bare to.

They couldn't just leave her with nothing though, so Tubbo left benson to her. His little duck that he found in the river, abandoned by his mother.

Tubbo was aware that the duck was far too small to be able to go through the server portal, he would disintegrate to ashes with the effects. So, he left him to Puffy to take care of. Leaving nothing else but a note that wrote, 'His favorite snack is Inloto's.'

A group was gathered in a meeting, discussing the teenagers that recently disappeared. Only, around half of the people in the room didn't give a shit, only some were slightly interested. Honestly, that should be enough explanation as to why it was most likely the teens ran away.

A certain homeless teletubbie though, was furious. The man was supposed to be in jail, but with a lot of bargaining and restrictions, Sam had him out to attend the meeting.

The creeper hybrid didn't think the prisoner had anything to do with their disappearances, but he couldn't take any chances. Like the chance he took when he let tommy in the prison (when he still cared...), like the chance he's taking now letting dream out of the prison. Under necessary precaution of course.

Contrary to popular belief, Tommyinnit is not an idiot. What a shocker.

He can tell they'll have to move soon or else they'll be found eventually. He knows they're gonna have to destroy the house they've already made so many memories in, even if it's only been two days. He's aware that they can't leave any tracks behind and notes every track they do.

He jumps at every out of the ordinary sound, knowing that the others are looking for them.

Knowing that he's looking for them

Fine, He decided as he adjusted his mask.

I'll play your little game.

It had been getting a little boring around here anyways.


Are they gonna make it out of the server? Maybe.

Have a great day/night<3

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