Ch.15 Here comes the boy...

972 38 26

"...hello boy"
hi again people of the wattpad

He traversed through the dense greenery of the forest towards the building in the distance. Sighing, he stared at the simple home around a hundred blocks away, with a looming cobblestone tower built next to it looking slightly out of place. This is it. He stepped forwards again.

A whistle to his left makes itself known, an arrow cut through the air and lodged itself into a tree right next to where his head had been previously. That was close, almost too close. He would've been fine of course, but he should have expected for traps to have been set.

He smoothly dodged and weaved through multiple more traps as if he had done this for years, much easier now that he wasn't caught up in his own thoughts. He made sure to avoid anywhere that he could be seen, staying under the canopy of trees and behind brush.

Of course, anyone could have noticed the first trap being set off, and a few others as he made slight mistakes along the way but they would probably write it off as another mob. This is a private server after all.

He climbed up a tree and soundlessly broke onto an enforced window on the side of the building. He barely had to look before immediately seeing exactly who he was looking for.


Tommy felt another another code in the server, then moments after, he felt a new presence in the house due to it being enchanted because of his own paranoia. Whoever it was, concealed their presence well. That terrified him.

This can't be happening. We had been doing so well on making sure nobody else found us. His eyes darted around the room and he felt the panic set in.

Sure, he was glad that this being a server he took the most part in creating, he could know different things around the area. From a mob to a storm. However, players were a bit more complicated to find out where they were, especially if they hid their presence like a lion stalking its prey.

Reaching for the dagger that he always kept with him, a habit that never left, he finally was able to locate the person. Unfortunately, they noticed that.

Fuck. How did they get here? How could they have possibly gotten here? The only way... the only way- The person moved. Tommy lost them again, making him more panicked.

Something fell down fast behind him and he moved out of the way just in time. Is that a fucking brick!?

Tommy stared at the place where the object dropped from with his dagger raised in defense, but he made sure that his entire focus wasn't just on that one spot. A moment later a figure dropped down to his right.

"Hey Tom!" Tommy jumped at the voice in his ear and slashed his knife at the intruder. They dodged.

"Fucking-! Don't do that you asshole!" Tommy yelled, his form becoming more relaxed after recognizing the person behind the voice. He lowered his weapon, the hand that wasn't holding the dagger came to rest upon his heart.

Eryn seemed to disappear from his line of sight and reappear to what's now his right. Since he had faced Eryn which had made that his front- you know what? Never mind.

"Aw, no hug for me?" Eryn pouted in half-faux-sadness.

He 'disappeared' again, this time popping up right behind him.

"You don't deserve one bitch!" Tommy grinned, and Eryn gave him the saddest eyes he could muster. Tommy ignored it.

"Also, Eryn how the fuck are you appearing and reappearing randomly in different places around me anyway?" Tommy asked, genuinely confused. The last time he checked, his friend wasn't an enderman, or ender hybrid, he's a demon hybrid.

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